Never leave for a Study Abroad Program without proper identification. Usually, this involves obtaining a valid passport as far in advance as possible. Depending on where you’re traveling, you may also need a Visa to enter or travel through a country. Always be sure to check in advance with the U.S. Department of State to learn of any entry requirements. If you are not a U.S. citizen, contact the embassy or consulate of your nation of citizenship to determine your document needs. Here are a few links to get you started on the process:
While traveling abroad, always keep your passport in a safe place (NOT in your backpack, back pocket or cargo pants pocket). You may want to consider a passport wallet to wear under your clothing, so you can keep it discreetly on you at all times. You should also make copies of your passport to leave in your luggage and at home, in case you lose it. If you lose your passport while traveling, immediately notify your Program Director and contact the U.S. Embassy to obtain a replacement (you’ll need to provide one of the copies you made earlier). You won’t be able to return home without your passport!