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Experience Japanese Culture in Sapporo and Kyoto


Program Details

Sapporo is known for being a place where people speak the most standardized Japanese. Students will learn the Japanese Language and culture in Sapporo before traveling to Kyoto to experience it's history and geography. Students will increase both language and cultural proficiency during this trip. Students will be albe to communicate with Japanese people comfortably at shops, on the street, and sight-seeing places. Students will get the chance to visit shrines, temples, historic shopping streets, historic downtown areas, as well as try Japanese Summer kimono.

Selection Criteria:

  • Be 18 years of age or older.
  • Participants seeking academic credit for the program must be able to read the required text and participate in discussions.
  • Students must have taken and passed with a C or better, JPNS 2010 or show equivalent proficiency by speaking with the program director.


  • Sapporo & Kytoto, Japan

Program Dates:

July 18, 2022 - July 29, 2022


$3,999 (Airfare IS Included)

Suggested Payment Schedule:

Deposit: $500
April 15, 2022: $500
May 1, 2022: $500
May 15, 2022: $500
June 1, 2022: $500
June 15, 2022: $500
July 1, 2022: $500
FINAL PAYMENT July 15, 2022: $490

Must be paid in full by July 15, 2022.

Deposit: $500 will need to be paid within 72 hours after registration.

Payments can now be made online! Visit this website for instructions on how to pay your deposit online and future payments. Charges should show on your account within 24 hours after registration. As always, you can pay with a credit card as well. To keep our trip costs low, we encourage the use of ACH Bank Transfers, or payments by cash or check whenever possible.

Includes: room and board, airfare, domestic transportation, excursions, and some meals.

Not included: passport, incidentals, excess baggage costs, any unscheduled travel, and most meals.



Be sure to attend all pre-departure meetings!

July 18: Meet at Sapporo Chitose Airport, check in at hotel

July 19: Lecture, Market Street field trip

July 20: Lecture, Fish Market field trip

July 21: Lecture, Hokkaido University field trip

July 22: Lecture, Sapporo Beer Factory Museum

July 23: Free time

July 24: Check out, leave Sapporo, Arrive at Lake Toya

July 25: Check out, arrive in Otaru ferry terminal (Overnight on ferry)

July 26: Arrive in Kyoto, check in to hotel

July 27: Field trip to Arashi Yama area, work on group project

July 28: Kimono experience, Golden & Silver temple, free time, presentations at night

July 29: Leave Kyoto by Shinkansen, dismiss at Tokyo Station

Academic Courses

Students may enroll in three (3) of the following credit hours:

  • JPNS 3550

Program Directors

Tomono Adachi as been teaching Japanese at Weber State for 7 years. She is from Sapporo, Japan and received her Masters Degree in Kyoto. She is very well versed in the areas the program will be in.


Trip Cancellations

If Weber State cancels a trip for any reason, all participants will be refunded 100% of funds paid to the school. If a participant withdraws from the program for any reason, they are subject to the refund policy found on the first page of the application.  Deposits are always non-refundable, unless the program is canceled by Weber State.  No refunds will be issued 30 days prior to program start date. 

Refunds will NOT be given to students due to COVID-19 concerns. Before programs were canceled in 2020, every student was given the option to withdraw from programs without penalty due to COVID-19. This year students are applying, cognizant of the pandemic. Weber State will not intentionally place students into high risk situations. We will work together with Program Leaders and Departments on canceling should the destination demonstrate increased risks, be they from COVID or any other concern. As such, students must abide by the standard refund policy.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Study Abroad Office at (801) 626-8711.