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Voter Friendly Campus

At Weber State, we want as many people to vote and be civically engaged as possible, which is why we partner with Voter Friendly Campus. The goal of Voter Friendly Campus is to help institutions develop plans to coordinate administrators, faculty, and student organizations in civic and electoral engagement.

Since 2016, Weber State has participated in this program and is an official Voter Friendly Campus. This designation helps us develop a strategy to engage students and set clear goals in advance of upcoming elections.

Voter Turnout

It's our goal to increase voter turnout and social awareness among college students. We’ve already seen some amazing progress in student voter participation just over the last couple of election cycles. The goal is to promote this upward trend in participation!

  • In 2016, student voting was up 49.7%, an increase of 1.2% over 2012.
  • In 2018, student voting was up 36.6%, an increase of 21.6% over 2014.

Plans to Increase Voter Turnout

To continue to increase voter participation, we need clearly outlined goals and strategies for how best to reach college students. Our goals include:

  • Create and foster a vibrant political campus culture that has the capacity to meet the demands of our republic within the next 10 years.
  • Educate, register and mobilize our student voters through highly focused events as well as ongoing efforts:
    • Our goal is to increase our registered rates from 57.5% to over 70% registered voters. The voter turnout rate is 63.7% among our students who are registered to vote.
    • Because 59.6% of our students voted by mail in 2018, we intend to publicize the ballot box on campus so they can get their ballot into the elections office.
    • Because our students ages 18-21 had the lowest voter turnout rate at 31.7% in 2018, we will work to concentrate on political issues that are important to them.

Upcoming Events

Check out our calendar for upcoming events and opportunities to get involved.