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Ogden Tutoring Center

Reach your educational goals by using Weber State’s Ogden Tutoring Center for free!

The Ogden Tutoring Center is located in the Tracy Hall Learning Center (TY 101). We provide various tutoring options: in person, online, drop-in and by appointment. Tutoring is free for all students, including Concurrent Enrollment.

Appointments are great for students who want to meet with a tutor every week at the same time. Drop-in tutoring works for students who need to ask a few questions but don’t need a recurring appointment. When you register for tutoring, you can see when each tutor has appointments and drop-in availability.

Holiday closure dates: Jan. 20, Feb. 17, and March 3 - 7

Subjects Tutored


Criminal Justice

Computer Science


Health Science

Medical Laboratory Science




Tutoring Appointments

Our tutors can work with you online or in person on any subject. You can drop in for tutoring (see drop-in schedule below), or you can schedule an appointment. To schedule an appointment, scroll down to where it says "schedule an appointment," find your subject, and click the scheduling link.

You can also schedule an appointment using your Starfish Dashboard in eWeber. Open the Starfish app and look at your course schedule. All tutoring options will show up on the right side of the screen. Schedule a tutoring appointment from that screen, or call the Ogden Tutoring Center (801-626-7484) for the schedule of tutored subjects.

Register for recurring tutoring early in the semester. For more information, visit Tracy Hall Learning Center between 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday and Friday, or between 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Register for Tutoring on Starfish How to Register for Tutoring (PDF)

Drop-in Tutoring Hours

The Ogden Tutoring Center offers drop-in tutoring for Chemistry, Computer Science, Criminal Justice, Engineering, Health Science, Medical Laboratory Science, Microbiology, Nutrition, Physics, and Zoology.

Some courses are only offered as appointments, so if you don't see your course listed, please get in touch with us (apptutoring@weber.edu) or check your Starfish Dashboard to schedule a tutor for your course. 


Drop-In Online Tutoring

A chemistry tutor and a medical laboratory sciences tutor can work with you online. Virtual tutoring is available through Zoom. Virtual drop-in tutoring for Computer Science is available using the Discord  server.

Online Tutoring Hours

  • Monday | 12:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. CHEM 2310, 2320 only
  • Friday | 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. MLS 1114 only (every other week starting Jan. 31st)

Schedule an Appointment with a Tutor

To view the tutor's schedule and create an appointment in Starfish, you must be registered in a class relevant to the tutor’s subject.

Appointments can be in-person or virtual, over Zoom.


  • Adelaide - CHEM 1200, 1130; HTHS 1101; NUTR 1020
  • Breanne - CHEM 1010, 1110, 1120, 1130, 1210, 1220
  • Erin - CHEM 1200, 1220, 2310, 2320, 3070
  • Hailey - CHEM 1010, 1110, 1130, 1210; HTHS 1104; MICR 1113; MLS 1114; ZOOL 2320, 2420
  • Hannah - CHEM 1110, 1120, 1130, 1210, 1220, 2310, 3000, 3070
  • Jesse - CHEM 2310, 2320
  • Khoi - can speak Vietnamese
    CHEM 1210, 1220; HTHS 1101; MICR 2054; ZOOL 1610, 2320
  • Shirley - CHEM 1010, 1110, 1200, 1210, 1220
  • Logan - CHEM 1200, 1210, 1215, 1220, 1225, 2310, 2320

Computer Science

  • Sebastian
  • Kevin - can speak Spanish

In person or drop-in online only

Criminal Justice

  • Jenna

Health Science

  • Adelaide
  • Ally
  • Seungjae - can speak Korean
  • Lilliana
  • Hailey


  • Coming soon

Medical Laboratory Science

  • Hailey


  • Hailey
  • Khoi - can speak Vietnamese
  • Ally


  • Adelaide
  • Seungjae - can speak Korean


  • Ally
  • Hailey
  • Khoi - can speak Vietnamese

Meet our Tutors


Chemistry, Health Science and Nutrition tutor


Health Science and Zoology tutor


Chemistry tutor


Chemistry, Health Science, Medical Laboratory Science, Microbiology and Zoology tutor


Chemistry tutor


Criminal Justice tutor


Organic Chemistry tutor


Computer Science tutor
- can speak Spanish


Chemistry and Microbiology tutor
- can speak Vietnamese


Health Science tutor


Computer Science tutor


Chemistry tutor

Ogden Tutoring Center Office Assistants


Can speak Burmese


Can speak Nepali


Contact Us

If you have general questions about tutoring, email apptutoring@weber.edu. If you’re interested in becoming a tutor, contact us.

Dr. Kristin Millard

Director, Learning Support

Sarah Taylor

Learning Specialist

Ogden Tutoring Center

8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. | M - F
1415 Edvalson Street
Tracy Hall, Room 101
Ogden, UT 84408
