50/50 FAQs for Supervisors
Questions about 50/50 Funding and Position Requirements
50/50 Funding FAQs
I want to move one of the positions in our department to 50/50, what are the requirements before we get started?
- The position must have been created within the last 6 months.
- The new position cannot replace funding for any existing positions.
How is the amount paid by 50/50 calculated?
- The name 50/50 is based on the program paying half of the current campus minimum wage. As of 1/1/2024, the campus minimum wage is $11.50 per hour, and 50/50 will pay $5.75 of a student employee’s wage.
- We always encourage you to pay your student employees more if your department budget permits, but we will still only pay $5.75 per hour.
Why do I have to re-enter my student employee for Summer and Spring?
- Payroll automatically removes all 50/50 students from 50/50 funding at the end of the Spring Semester.
- This also helps us ensure student employees are still meeting the funding requirements, and it keeps the 50/50 site from becoming overwhelmed with students no longer in positions.
- It is your responsibility as a supervisor to ensure you add your student employees to apply for funding to be continued.
How do I reapply for a discontinued position?
- Reach out to Student Employment at studentemployment@weber.edu.
- Provide the position name and details about resuming the position.
- If the position was discontinued due to non-compliance with funding requirements, we will need to ensure there is a renewed sense of understanding of the requirements and dedication to follow through with all aspects Student Employment requesets.
- If the position was discontinued due to non-use, please let us know if you need help advertising the position to ensure it is filled moving forward.
What happens if I forget to add my student employee to the 50/50 site?
- The funding only starts when payroll puts them in. Also, payroll does not do retroactive funding so it only starts for the pay period that payroll adds them. That's why the beginning of the semester is so crazy - most everyone is trying to get funded on the first pay period so that they don't have to use department funding while they wait for payroll to finish.
If I realize my student wasn’t properly being funded can we have 50/50 retroactively applied?
- No. It is the supervisor and timekeeper’s responsibility to verify they are adding the student’s hours to the correct TAS Org.
- If it was an error on payroll or 50/50’s side, we are happy to have payroll reallocate the funds.
If I forgot to add my student earlier, can I have 50/50 funding retroactively applied?
- No
Additional Resources
Questions About Campus Work Policies
When it says that students on 50/50 can't work more than 20 hours a week, is that for all of their 91¶ÌÊÓƵ jobs (like if they have two campus jobs) or just for the position funded under 50/50?
- It's just for the individual position funded. However, campus policy is 29 hours per week between all jobs.
50/50 Site Questions
For instructions navigating the site, please visit our page.
Can I add students before they’ve been hired?
- Please wait to add the student once you have sent a PAR to payroll.
- When you add a student to the 50/50 site, Student Employment reviews the student for funding and then passes the information to payroll. If they have been added to the 50/50 site before the PAR has been completed, it can cause delay in the funding process.
If the student was only registered for part time (under 12 credit hours) and is now registered for full time (12 credit hours or more), do I need to reenter the student?
- No. We can update the student status to approved from the current status of denied or being department funded. But please inform Student Employment of this update.
How do I edit a student I already entered?
- Click on the arrow at the end of your student employee. This shows you all the details about your student employee.
- Click on the pencil to edit the student employee details.
- Click update.
- Review the information and then if correct click Save.
Why can’t I access the 50/50 Site?
- You will not be able to access the 50/50 site if you are using the 91¶ÌÊÓƵ Guest Network when connecting to the internet. Please make sure you are signed into Eduroam. If you still are not able to access the page, please reach out to Student Employment and we will complete further troubleshooting.
I failed the supervisor quiz, what should I do?
- Retake the quiz. If you have any questions, please reach out to Student Employment. The quiz must be completed by the supervisor and timekeeper in order to receive funding for your student employee(s).
Questions About Hiring Student Employees
Can I hire DACA student employees?
- Yes!
Can I hire undocumented student employees?
- No
Can I hire international student employees?
- Yes!
- Provide your students with the International Student Employee Checklist (pdf) to help them navigate the process:
Where do I learn more about hiring international students?
- Reach out to the International Student and Scholar Center.
If you have additional questions about the 50/50 program, please contact: studentemployment@weber.edu
- Ogden: 801-626-6393
- Davis: 801-395-3460
- careerservices@weber.edu