Alan E. and Jeanne N. Hall Endowment for Community Outreach
The objective of the Alan E. and Jeanne N. Hall Endowment is to address the needs of under-resourced and/or underrepresented individuals, families, and groups within Ogden and the surrounding communities by helping to address their educational, economic, social, psychological, and cultural needs. Surrounding communities are defined as those from Brigham City to Kaysville and from Morgan to the Great Salt Lake.
- Provide funding that allows 91¶ÌÊÓƵ students, staff, and faculty to facilitate projects that meet a community-identified need.
- Create learning opportunities for 91¶ÌÊÓƵ students to make positive change in the surrounding community through direct service, democratic engagement, and community research projects.
- Encourage 91¶ÌÊÓƵ students, faculty, and staff to use their knowledge, talents, and skills alongside community members and organizations.
- Support innovative approaches to addressing challenges facing the local community.
Deadlines for Spring 2025
Information Sessions (only come to ONE)
- Wednesday, February 5 @ 10:15am
- Zoom link:
Information Session Two:
- Thursday, February 6 @ 2:15pm
- Zoom link:
- Mini Grant Submission Deadline: Thursday, March 13 @ 11:59pm
Project Activities
Proposals funded by the Alan E. and Jeanne N. Hall Endowment for Community Engagement must involve 91¶ÌÊÓƵ faculty/staff and students and must include one or more of the following activities:
- Applications of solutions (interventions) to address problems facing under-resourced and/or underrepresented individuals, families, or groups in Ogden or the surrounding communities.
- Community research projects (which may include but are not limited to needs assessments, program assessments, surveys, focus groups, program evaluation, data pulls and queries, analysis of data, capacity building, literature reviews, etc.).
- Awareness-raising campaigns or events (related to democracy building, civic engagement, public health issues, etc.)
- Direct service or volunteer projects.
- Any project that works to promote positive social change.
Project Criteria
The intent of the endowment is to support projects generated from pre-existing partnerships between the community and 91¶ÌÊÓƵ, usually ones resulting from a community-identified need that must leverage university resources, skills, or expertise in order to succeed.
- Projects must involve partnerships with local, regional, or national organizations.
- 91¶ÌÊÓƵ faculty/staff or faculty/staff and students must facilitate and carry out the project. Student-driven projects must be actively supervised by a 91¶ÌÊÓƵ faculty or staff mentor who work with the student. This includes the conception of the project, helping to write the application, helping to carry out the project, and assisting with final reporting. Faculty and staff-driven projects are encouraged to include (a) student(s).
- Interdisciplinary approaches or projects involving multiple areas of campus are preferred.
- Projects taking a new and innovative approach to address a community need are given priority; however, projects with a proven record of success are eligible to apply.
- Projects with a demonstrated plan for sustainability will be given priority.
Strong Applications Contain
- A clear description of the need for the project and why the proposed project is a solution for the described problem.
- A clear description of the nature of the collaboration and partnership with the identified community organizations.
- A clear description of what contributions each party will make in carrying out the project.
- Identification of project activities and when they will take place during a project timeline.
- How you will know if their project is successful: What qualitative or quantitative data will you collect, when, and by whom that will demonstrate success? Make sure you measure benefits towards the community and student learning outcomes (if applicable). How will the collected data be used?
- A budget that is defensible and feasible in terms of the overall project purpose.
Application Procedures
Types of Projects
There are three types of applications: Mini, Standard, and Super.
- Projects less than $2,000 follow the Mini-grant, one-phase application process: applicants will submit a grant application and the committee will vote to accept or reject the application.
- Projects over $2,000 must follow a two-phase grant application process. Standard grants last up to two years and are between $2,001 and $25,000. Super grants can be up to three years in length and are up to $60,000. The endowment will allow up to two (2) Super grant projects per calendar year to receive ongoing funding of up to three (3) years. A three-year budget must be submitted with the Super grant application. Projects receiving a Super grant may not re-apply for Hall Endowment funding for three (3) years after the end date of the initial funding.
- Standard and Super grants will be reviewed in two phases. The review committee determines whether the preliminary application of a standard or super grant will move on to a final application. If invited to continue, the applicant must submit a final application roughly one month after the preliminary application is due.
- Projects in excess of $2,000 previously funded by the Hall Endowment are eligible to re-apply. Such projects can be funded once per year and no more than three times.
- Letters of support from all participating community partners must be submitted with the Mini-grant and final Standard and Super grant applications.
- Projects must begin within 9 months of the Hall Endowment award.
- Funding must be utilized within a two-year timeframe for the Mini and Standard grants. Super grant recipients will have up to three years from the start date to spend their grant funding. Unused funding at the end of the grant period is returned to the fund for redistribution.
Final Reporting
All applicants must submit a final report that utilizes the Hall Endowment template and answers the following questions. (All projects 15 months and longer must submit annual progress reports). Any grantee needing assistance with this should reach out to CCEL.
- What qualitative or quantitative data did you collect and what does it tell us about the success of your project for participants, students, and others involved in the project?
- Did you meet the outcomes described in your application? Please elaborate.
- Please describe the challenges and successes you had with implementing this project. In addition to other details, please specifically describe how collaborating with the community partner was both challenging and successful. We want to understand both what did and did not work.
- What would you do differently next time?
- Is the overall project completed, ongoing, or moving on to another phase?
Acknowledgment and Dissemination
- Funded projects must be presented at the annual Community Engaged Learning Symposium sponsored by the Center for Community Engaged Learning (CCEL).
- Funded projects must acknowledge 91¶ÌÊÓƵ’s Center for Community Engaged Learning and Hall Endowment for Community Outreach as funding sources in all publications and presentations reporting on the funded project.
- Funded projects must permanently display at the project site a customized plaque, signage, or marker noting the title of the project, participants, project dates, and funding source. Plaques/signage will be provided by the CCEL.
Fundable Expenses
The following expenses are fundable depending on the proposed project scope:
- Equipment and materials are necessary to facilitate the project.
- Equipment will only be funded if it is a necessary component to a wider project, but cannot be the sole component of an application.
- Equipment purchased as part of the project remains the property of 91¶ÌÊÓƵ unless otherwise justified and approved by the Hall Endowment committee.
- Food and giveaway items or incentives are fundable when their contribution to the project’s success is well-defined and modest in overall cost.
- Faculty reassigned teaching expenses, up to a maximum of three credits per project, with supporting rationale from the department chair and/or faculty/staff supplemental pay.
- Student scholarship for 91¶ÌÊÓƵ tuition, student work-study, or hourly student employee.
- Travel/transportation for project-related expenses only.
- Conference travel and materials supporting in-state conference presentations for students only. Faculty/staff-funded conference travel is not permitted.
- Small honoraria, commensurate with the region and discipline, are fundable to obtain expertise critical to the project’s success that is not available on a voluntary basis. No honorarium may exceed $1,000.
Note: Retroactive Expenses will not be funded.
Non-fundable Expenses
- Hall Endowment funds are not means for simply purchasing needed equipment for a community organization.
- International projects and travel are not eligible for Hall funding.
- Faculty/staff-funded conference travel is not permitted.
Hall Endowment Screening Committee
The committee has representation from all academic colleges as well as Student Access and Success, CCEL, and the community. Membership is on a rotating one, two, and three-year schedule, and there are approximately 12 members at any given time.
One-year | Two-year | Three-year |
Mark Galaviz, Lindquist College of Arts & Humanities | Bill Cook, Community Development | Tariq Arif, College of Engineering |
Madeline Gassman, Women's Center | Azenett Garza, College of Social & Behavioral Sciences | Mary Anne Reynolds, Dumke College of health Professions |
Ella Mitchell, Provost's Office | MariadelMar Gonzalez, Lindquist College of Arts & Humanities | Parker Balla, Ogden Nature Center |
Natalie Williams, College of Education | DeeDee Mower, College of Education |
Alexis Bucknam, Chair
Teresa Martinez
Jeanne Hall
Community Member
Allison Lambert