Frequently Asked Questions


What does Disability Services provide?

Disability Services provides students with academic accommodations designed to overcome any potential disability-related barriers to learning.

Who can request accommodations from Disability Services?

Any student with a disability can request accommodations from Disability Services. Even if you do not have a diagnosed disability, we can provide helpful information on other options available to you.

What accommodations do you offer?

The accommodations you will receive depend on your documentation. You and your disability advisor will meet to discuss appropriate accommodations for your classes. More information on examples of the accommodations offered can be found on our Common Accommodations and Adaptive Technology page.

Do I register for classes myself or do I register for my classes with Disability Services?

You can register for your classes yourself. If you are unsure what classes to take, please meet with an academic advisor. For more information check out General Academic Advising.

When is the deadline for requesting services for classes?

Please request services as early as possible, preferably at least two weeks before the start of the semester so that your letters, equipment, and/or interpreters/transcribers will be ready on the first day of class.

Requesting Academic Accommodations

How do I request accommodations from Disability Services?

If you are registering with the Disability Services Office for the first time you will need to fill out an Intake form from the following link:

After you have submitted your Intake form the office will contact you within 24-48 business hours to schedule an intake with a Disability Advisor.

What kind of Disability Documentation should I provide?

You documentation must come from a licensed professional and include the diagnoses, limitations caused by the diagnoses, and any recommendations the licensed professional recommends. More detailed information can be found in our Documentation and Eligibility page.

What if my documentation is old?

Newer documentation is usually preferred. However, please bring whatever documentation you have. Our advisors can let you know what additional documentation may be required.

Receiving Accommodations in Classes

How do I receive my accommodation letters?

Please complete the correct form for each Semester

Do I need to request new accommodation letters every semester or can I use old accommodation letters in a new semester?

You need to request new accommodations letters every semester.

What should I do on the first day of class?

Give your letter to your professor on or before the first day of class. Also be prepared to discuss your accommodations with your professors. If you/they have any questions, tell them to contact your disability advisor (their contact information will be on your letters).

If I have a problem with my services or if I have any questions, who should I contact?

Please contact your advisor as soon as possible with any questions or concerns you have. If you are unsure of who your advisor is, contact Disability Services.

Disability Services Accommodated Testing Center

How do I schedule a quiz/test with Disability Services?

For information regarding scheduling a quiz/test with Disability Services, check out Scheduling a Test with Disability Services.

Can I take the ALEKS/Accuplacer/ACT Residual at Disability Services?

Yes, you can schedule those tests through Disability Services. Contact for more information.

Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Services

How do I request an Interpreter/transcriber?

Depending on your request, there are a couple ways to request interpreters/transcribers. If you are requesting service providers for your classes you will need to fill out the accommodations form and in the accommodations needed section put your choice of either an interpreter or transcriber. If you are requesting interpreters to meet with your professors, attend tutoring/SI sessions, or other on campus needs, you will email stating your name, who you would like to request (interpreter/transcriber), what the request is for, where it will be held, when it will take place, and if it will be recurring or not.

What do I do if I’m going to miss class?

Contact Disability Services by email at Please include the following information: Your name, the date(s) you’re going to miss, the classes, and the names of your interpreters/transcribers.

If I am going to be late to my class, when should I contact Disability Services?

Contact Disability Services as soon as possible by email at Please include the following information: Your name, the date(s) you’re going to be late, the classes, and the names of your interpreters/transcribers.

What if I go to class and see a paper on the door that says "Class Canceled"?

Contact Disability Services as soon as possible by email at Please include the following information: Your name, the date, the class, and the names of your interpreters/transcribers.

If I’m receiving TypeWell services, when will I get the TypeWell transcript?

You should receive your transcript in Google Drive within 24 hours after the class ends.

The videos in my class are not captioned, what should I do?

Contact Disability Services as soon as possible by email at Please include the following information: Your name, the instructor’s name, and the class. We will get in contact with the professor to have the videos captioned as soon as possible.

If I don’t see my interpreters/transcribers and class is about to start, what do I do?

Contact Disability Services as soon as possible by email at . Please include the following information: Your name, the date, and the class.

If I have a problem with my interpreter(s)/transcriber(s), what should I do?

Contact Disability Services as soon as possible by email at . Please include the following information: Your name, the class, and a brief description of the issue. Someone will contact you to set up an appointment with an advisor, the lead interpreter, and/or the lead transcriber to resolve the issue.