Adolph Yonkee,
Liz Balgord,
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Several Degrees to Choose From
Our degrees will not only teach you what you need to be successful in the earth and environmental science workforce and/or graduate school, they'll also help you identify the earth and environmental science specialties that best match your career goals.
Our different bachelor degree programs offer great flexibility as you decide what aspect of the earth and environmental sciences is of most interest to you. If you aspire to go to graduate school and/or secure a job with the title "Geologist" or "Hydrologist", we suggest the Geology BS program. If you are looking for an entry-level position in the broad areas of environmental science or applied geoscience, the Applied Environmental Geoscience BS degree would be best for you. Those students seeking a career as a secondary science teacher should declare a major in Earth Science Teaching (BS). The bachelor of arts (BA) in Geology gives students great flexibility in course selection and could be used to prepare for law school (with a specialty in environmental law), for a military career, or for work as a park naturalist.
All students are urged to touch base with the Department early in their college careers. At that time you will be matched with the appropriate advisor, who can help you plan your semester schedules and offer guidance related to career options.
Bachelor Degree Options:

Geology, BS or BA
*The Environmental Science Program is a multidisciplinary degree in the College of Science.
Certificate and Minor Options:

Geospatial Analysis Crt. of Prof.
Director: Michael Hernandez,
Faculty Advisor: Ryan Frazier,
Gainful Employment Disclosure
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3-Year Provisional Schedule of Classes
This schedule is subject to change, although it is a great resource to plan your future schedules.
Semester meetings with your academic advisor will ensure that you have the most up-to-date scheduling information.
2024 - 2026 Course Offerings (PDF)
Mailing address
College of Science
1415 Edvalson St., Dept. 2507
Ogden, UT 84408-2507