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Preventative Exams Verification




Annual Physical

You may claim these exams once per calendar year.

Exams must occur during the current calendar year. If an exam will occur towards the end of the calendar year, it is recommended to request a note from your physician stating that the exam took place. Results letters or data from your patient portal will not be accepted. 

If you are covered under PEHP insurance:

  • Log onto your PEHP portal
  • Click on "My Benefits"
  • Click on "View Claims"
  • Locate the exam
  • Click on the PDF icon located under the EOB column
  • Upload the PDF copy of the Explanation of Benefits letter to the correct activity


Pap Smear
Skin Exam
Vision Exam
Dental Exams

You can claim two dental exams each year:

  • One exam occurring between January 1- June 30
  • One exam occurring between July 1- December 31

Exams must occur during the current calendar year. If an exam will occur towards the end of the calendar year, it is recommended to request a note from your physician stating that the exam took place.

If you are covered under EMI Health insurance:

  • Log onto your EMI portal
  • Click on "Claims"
  • Locate the exam
  • Click on "View EOB"
  • Download the document
  • Upload the PDF copy of the Explanation of Benefits letter to the correct activity