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Wellness Pays Bonus Program

Employee Wellness utilizes a third-party platform to manage many program components. 

If you have not received an email with an invitation to participate in the program, please email wellness@weber.edu to have your account generated. 


  • How to Participate

    Participants must complete these three steps to participate in the Wellness Pays Bonus Program:

      • This online questionnaire will take about 10-15 minutes to complete.               
    1. Complete a biometric screening and meet specific health criteria                                 - OR -                                                       *
    2. Complete one health improvement activity

                                                                                        This process must be completed each year in order to receive the $300 bonus. 

                                                                      *Participants who opt to complete the TLC program will be provided a waiver for the biometric screening. The TLC program can be completed during any year of participation.       

  • How to Qualify

    The Employee Wellness Technician will review the results from your biometric screening and will inform you as to how many of the health guidelines you met:

    • Blood pressure ≤ 120/80
    • Fasting blood glucose ≤ 100
    • Fasting total cholesterol ≤ 200
    • HDL cholesterol ≥ 45
    • BMI < 25 OR
      • BF ≤ 22% for men
      • BF ≤ 32% for women
    • No tobacco use of any kind

                                                                                Each year, participants will be encouraged to increase the number of criteria met until they are able to maintain a criteria score of 4 out of 6.                                                                                                                                                          Biometric screenings may be completed by:

    • Personal physician
  • Years of Participation

    • Year 1: The first year that a participant completes a biometric screening will be considered a benchmark year. They will receive full credit for completing the screening. Results will be uploaded to the participants Employee Wellness Account, and will be located under the "" tab.
    • Year 2 and on: Once Employee Wellness has two years of biometric screening results on file, participants will be required to improve their health by one criterion until they reach a score of 4 out of 6. Knowing that not everyone will be able to make drastic improvements over the course of a year, participants will receive credit for making improvements as little as 3% in most areas. 

                                                                      Participants may opt for an alternative by completing the TLC program, or by completing an annual physical with their physician. 
