Departmental Honors in English
Earning Departmental Honors in English is a great way to stand out professionally and academically. The requirements offer professionalizing opportunities through internships, teaching capstones, or community engaged learning courses. Students also gain presentation, research, and writing experience in addition to academic recognition. Participating students will have the opportunity to work with the Honors department and participate in local and national conferences. The requirements can easily be added to any English major requirements without extending the time to graduation.
"Through the process of earning Departmental Honors in English, I was able to go beyond my major and acquire job skills that redirected my professional goals. It allowed me beneficial experiences I wouldn't have received otherwise, helped me to get into grad school, and opened doors for me professionally."
-Kate Johnson, English graduate
- Your transcript and degree diploma will be printed with the distinction, "Departmental Honors in English."
- You will receive an invitation to all Honors Program social and educational events.
- You will receive an invitation to the Honors Nye Banquet when you graduate.
- Complete all requirements for a major in English.
- Earn a cumulative GPA of 3.0 with a GPA of 3.5 in the major.
- Participate in a minimum of 3 Honors events or an Honors course (1-3 credits).
- Present work at one of the following:
- The National Undergraduate Literature Conference
- The Weber State Undergraduate Research Conference
- A similar professional conference
- Complete one of the following:
- Community service hours in the cause of literacy as agreed upon by the student and Departmental Honors Advisor using the Center for Community Engaged Learning tracking system.
- Internship
- Teaching Capstone
How to apply
- Meet with English department advisor, Dr. Daniel Paul.
- Complete the application on the Honors department website by going to the Honors Student Portal located near the top of the page.