Environmental Science Advising, Faculty, & Staff
Administration & Advising
The faculty academic advisor can help you with your questions regarding curriculum and course scheduling, events, research opportunities, and career planning. Faculty advisors are available for appointments during the fall and spring semesters and can be scheduled by email to Leslie Ayers.
For summer advising needs, please contact one of the general science advisors in the College of Science Advising Office.

John Mull
ENVS Program Director, Advisor,
and Professor of Zoology
Office: TY 414
Phone: 801-626-6173
Email: jmull@weber.edu

Leslie Jordan
ENVS Program Administrator
Office: TY 204
(Office shared with CSME)
Phone: 801-626-6100
Email: lesliejordan@weber.edu
Email me to schedule your program advising appointment with professor Pagonis.
Affiliated Faculty
Our affiliated faculty represent fourteen departments from three different colleges across campus (and counting!). Whatever your environmental interests, we have someone with the passion and expertise to mentor you.

John Armstrong
Professor or Physics
Ott Planetarium Director
Office: TY 321
Phone: 801-626-6215
Email: jcarmstrong@weber.edu
Talk to me about research, events, and careers!

Daniel Bedford
Professor of Geography
Office: LH 357
Phone: 801-626-8091
Email: dbedford@weber.edu
Talk to me about research and careers!

H. Laine Berghout
Professor of Chemistry
Office: TY 255H
Phone: 801-626-6954
Email: hlberghout@weber.edu
Talk to me about research opportunities!

Jennifer Bodine
Sustainability Manager
Energy & Sustainability Office
Phone: 801-626-6421
Email: jenniferbodine@weber.edu
Talk to me about research, internships, events, and careers!

Brandon Burnett
Associate Professor of Chemistry
Department Chair
Office: TY 225L
Phone: 801-626-6221
Email: brandonburnett@weber.edu
Talk to me about research, events, and careers!

Larry Collinwood
Facilities Management
Office: TY 334
Phone: 801-626-8186
Email: larrycollinwood@weber.edu

Hal Crimmel
Brady Professor of English
Department Chair
Office: EH 435A
Phone: 801-626-8044
Email: hcrimmel@weber.edu
Talk to me about research and careers!

Michele Culumber
Professor of Microbiology
Department Chair
Office: TY 450H
Phone: 801-626-7795
Email: mculumber@weber.edu
Talk to me about research, events, and careers!

Carie Frantz
Associate Professor
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Office: TY 315
Phone: 801-626-6181
Email: cariefrantz@weber.edu
Talk to me about research and careers!

Ryan Frazier
Assistant Professor
Geography and Earth and Environmental Sciences
Office: TY 337
Phone: 801-626-6819
Email: ryanfrazier@weber.edu
Talk to me about research and careers!

Matt Gnagey
Associate Professor
Department of Economics
Office: WB 244
Phone: 540-421-9241
Email: mattgnagey@weber.edu
Talk to me about research, events, and careers!

Bridget Hilbig
Professor of Botany and Plant Ecology
Office: TY 415
Phone: 801-626-6176
Email: bridgethilbig@weber.edu
Talk to me about research, events, and careers!

Chris Hoagstrom
Professor of Zoology
Office: TY 327
Phone: 801-626-7486
Talk to me about research, events, and careers!

Jonathan Marshall
Professor of Zoology
MAS Advisor
Office: TY 408
Phone: 801-626-6587
Email: jonmarshall@weber.edu
Talk to me about research, events, careers, and scholarships!

Marek Matyjasik
Department Chair & Professor
Earth & Environmental Sciences
Office: TY 408
Phone: 801-626-6587
Email: mmatyjasik@weber.edu
Talk to me about research, internships, events, and careers!

Alice Mulder
Director of SPARC
Professor of Geography
Office: LH 364
Phone: 801-626-6198
Email: amulder@weber.edu
Talk to me about research, internships, events, and careers!

Justin Owen
Energy Manager
Energy & Sustainability Office
Phone: 801-626-6683
Email: justinowen@weber.edu
Talk to me about research, internships, and careers!

Demetrios Pagonis
ENVS Program Faculty Advisor
Assistant Professor
Office: TY 255R
Phone: 801-626-6086
Email: demetriospagonis@weber.edu

Heather Root
Associate Professor
Botany & Plant Ecology
Office: TY 419
Phone: 801-626-6175
Email: heatherroot@weber.edu
Talk to me about research and careers!

Dan Schroeder
Physics & Astronomy
Office: TY 322
Phone: 801-626-6048
Email: dschroeder@weber.edu
Talk to me about research opportunites!

Shane Schvaneveldt
Supply Chain & Management Information Systems
Office: WB 277
Phone: 801-626-6083
Email: schvaneveldt@weber.edu
Talk to me about research opportunities!

Michele Skopec
Professor of Zoology
Office: TY 411
Phone: 801-626-6177
Email: micheleskopec@weber.edu
Talk to me about research opportunities!

Caitlin Tems
Assistant Professor
Earth & Environmental Sciences
Office: TY 311
Phone: 801-626-7421
Email: caitlintems@weber.edu
Talk to me about research and careers!

Carla Trentelman
Professor of Sociology
Office: LH 247
Email: carlatrentelman@weber.edu
Talk to me about the social science side of environmental science!

Katrina Twing
Assistant Professor
Office: TY 450L
Phone: 801-626-6996
Email: katrinatwing@weber.edu
Talk to me about research opportunities!

Lisa Wiltbank
Assistant Professor
Office: TY 310
Phone: 801-626-6995
Email: lisawiltbank@weber.edu
Talk to me about events and careers!

Adolph Yonkee
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Office: TY 333
Phone: 801-626-7419
Email: ayonkee@weber.edu
Let's talk research opportunites!
Join us!
Any 91¶ÌÊÓƵ faculty or staff member engaged in environmental science, broadly defined, may choose to be recognized as an affiliated faculty member of the Environmental Science Program. To be so recognized, the faculty member must submit a written request to the program director. This request for affiliation must include a short, publishable statement that outlines their connection to environmental science by means of their teaching, scholarship, and/or service. Affiliated Faculty are committed to mentoring Environmental Science majors, for example through research or service activities.
In addition, we're looking to build partnerships with local community members and organizations for internship opportunities, curriculum advising, job placement, scholarship funding, etc. If you are interested or know people or organizations we should reach out to, please contact the program director.