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College of Science Student Success

Academic Advising Office

Monica Linford and Emily Romo-Hendrix are the College of Science Academic Advisors. They understand that navigating a degree in science and mathematics and having success in the classroom can be a challenge. Schedule an appointment with them for success today.

Monica Linford


Emily Romo-Hendrix


Nathaly Pimienta

Nathaly Pimienta


Advising Office Hours:

Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:30 pm
Tracy Hall Science Center 201

If you are more than 10 minutes late for your appointment, please reschedule.
If unable to schedule an appointment online call



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Considering the Pre-Medical
Professional Program?


Did you know there's no "pre-med" major at Weber State? This means you're free to choose any major that works best with your future plans. All students interested in pursuing a premedical professional program must first attend an information session before meeting one-on-one with your advisor. There you will meet James K. Moore, the advisor who will assist you in this journey.


Need help with your
learning strategy?


Senior Academic Support Coach and former Zoology instructor Brian Pilcher helps students with study skills. He is here as much for the B student in the College of Science who wants to earn A’s as he is for the student who is struggling to pass. Brian can help you troubleshoot to figure out where you can improve. Some of the areas are time management, study methods, test-taking, and test anxiety.

Need help finding an internship or career?

Associate director of career services and professor of geosciences, Greg Nielsen is available to help you reach your science career goals, even if you are undecided.

Access Wildcat Handshake through your  and set up an appointment today.




Advising Administrative Assistant

They will support you in connecting with your advisors and student resources.


Need service experience?

Just in case you hesitated on that question, your answer as a science student should be YES!

The Center for Community Engaged Learning, CCEL is the bridge between students and community partners. They partner with non-profit organizations that focus on specific needs and address social issues in our community.  Here are three community organizations Weber science students gain experience. We want to see you in action! Please share with us your experience by tagging us on your  and/or Instagram (@weberstatescience) posts and use the hashtag #WeberScience! We promise you will not go unrewarded!

Ogden Nature Center

Our mission is to unite people with nature and nurture appreciation and stewardship of the environment.

Student volunteers often work on habitat restoration at the nature center, which involves working outside on removing invasive weeds and seeding native species to rehabilitate the ecosystem and better support local wildlife. If you aren't afraid to get your hands dirty, this is the place for you!


Catholic Community Services

CCS of Northern Utah runs the largest food pantry in the state, the Joyce Hansen Hall Food Bank. We assist 4,000-5,000 struggling individuals with 225,000 lbs of food every month through our main facility.

Projects include, Bridging the Gap, a mobile pantry that visits local, low-income schools on Thursdays and Fridays to provide the students with two bags of food to get them through the weekend until they get back to the free meals at school on Monday.


Ogden-Weber Community Action Partnership

Our mission is to diminish the effects of poverty in Weber County through education, individualized support, advocacy, and collaboration.

Projects include Circles, a long term approach to end poverty permanently in our community. Each week, local families learn skills and make goals to overcome poverty with the support of an Ally, community volunteer.



Let's Connect!



Advising Office hours

Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Mailing address

College of Science
1415 Edvalson St., Dept. 2501
Ogden, UT 84408-2501

Building location

Tracy Hall Science Center (TY201)

Click for campus map