Project Opportunities for Environmental Science Majors

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Faculty and staff from across campus are excited to work with Environmental Science majors on projects that help us understand, protect, and improve our environment. Check out the list below for projects that faculty are actively looking for students to help out with. If you find an opportunity that interests you, reach out to the mentor listed.

Looking for other opportunities? Internships, volunteer opportunities, and job postings are regularly included in our ENVS newsletter. Check out the Office of Undergraduate ResearchSustainable Clubs, and Sustainability Internships pages for more ways to get involved.


We have outstanding students with interdisciplinary training who are eager to get involved in research. Add your projects to our list to advertise them to interested students!

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Want to more about research or gaining research skills before approaching faculty about undergraduate research? Here are some tips and ideas:

Current Project & Opportunity List

Anthill in Emory County, Utah. Photo by Flickr user Arbyreed under Creative Commons license.

Entomology Research
with Dr. Mull

Mentor: Dr. John Mull, Department of Zoology

Type of opportunity: Independent Research for Credit (up to 3 credits)

Project duration: One semester to multiple years

Description: I am interested in and willing to mentor students who would like to become involved in the type of insect ecology research that I do. Any students who might want to explore these types of research opportunities should contact me to find out more about the specific details of my research interests.


Ocean coastal landscape

Science Communication Projects
with Dr. Crimmel

Mentor: Dr. Hal Crimmel, Brady Distinguished Professor of Environmental Humanities, Department of English

Type of opportunity: Research for Credit (up to 3 credits)

Project duration: Any

Description: An important part of doing science is communicating that research to the general public and to scholars & teachers outside the disciplines of science. I have worked over the last decade on interdisciplinary work that combines writing and filmmaking with science to tell interesting stories. If you are interested in telling yours, please be in touch.


About Dr. Crimmel (CV) |

Collecting data for clay Phacelia project

Clay Phacelia Herbivory Protection Research
with Dr. Skopec

Mentor: Dr. Michele Skopec, Department of Zoology

Type of opportunity: Research for Credit (up to 2 credits) or Paid Internship

Project duration: Multiple years

Description: Dr. Michele Skopec leads a team of 2-4 Weber State students on 6 trips per year to Spanish Fork canyon to survey, monitor and place herbivore exclusion cages around clay phacelia, a rare and endangered plant found only in Spanish Fork canyon. Wildlife cameras have been placed at clay phacelia sites to monitor predation by herbivores. Plant locations are mapped and demographic data, such as size, vigor, flowering etc. are collected during field site visits. Students interested in herbivory, botany, soil science, and/or GIS should contact Dr. Skopec about joining the research team. It is expected that students will attend the field site visits which occur on weekends, and be able to hike on steep and uneven terrain.

Requirements: The ability to hike on steep and uneven terrain is required.

Desired skills & coursework: GIS, or plant identification, or animal identification skills appreciated but not required.


Volatile Organic Carbon

Emissions of Volatile Chemical Products
with Dr. Pagonis

Mentor: Dr. Demetrios Pagonis, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Type of opportunity: Unpaid Internship or Research for Credit (up to 3 credits)

Project duration: One semester to multiple years

Description: This project studies the emissions of volatile chemical products (shampoos, paints, cleaning products) and how they impact indoor and outdoor air quality. The research student(s) involved in this project will design experiments using gas chromatography and mass spectrometry to monitor the composition and emission rates of chemical products. Students who continue for multiple semesters may carry out modeling of the impacts of these chemicals on indoor air quality.

Desired skills & coursework: Coursework up to CHEM 3000 (Quantitative Analysis)



Analysis of Airborne Air Quality Datasets
with Dr. Pagonis

Mentor: Dr. Demetrios Pagonis, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Type of opportunity: Unpaid Internship, Paid Research Assistantship, or Research for Credit (2 credits)

Project duration: Two semesters to multiple years

Description: This project is a NASA-funded re-analysis of ten years of airborne measurements, focused on the impact of particulate matter on air quality and climate. The research student will write and run analysis code on these datasets, including non-linear fitting, numerical modeling, and Monte Carlo simulation.

Requirements: Experience programming in an object-oriented language (C, Python, etc.)

Desired skills & coursework: GIS, or plant identification, or animal identification skills appreciated but not required.


Solar power panels outside.

Energy Management Projects
with Justin Owen

Mentor: Justin Owen, Energy Manager, Energy and Sustainability Office

Description: I am interested in mentoring students in projects of their own design. Come talk to me about your interests and ideas, and we can work together to design a project just for you.


91¶ÌÊÓƵ Sustainability

Perovskite solar cells. Creative Commons License.

Materials Chemistry Research with
Dr. Burnett

Mentor: Dr. Brandon Burnett, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Description: I am interested in mentoring students in projects of their own design. Come talk to me about your interests and ideas, and we can work together to design a project just for you.


Weber State campus

Sustainability Projects
with Jenn Bodine

Mentor: Jenn Bodine, Sustainability Manager, Energy and Sustainability Office

Description: I am interested in mentoring students in projects of their own design. Come talk to me about your interests and ideas, and we can work together to design a project just for you.

Contact: | 801-626-6421

Regions of the Boreal and Taiga Shield affected by moderate or high severity fire

Geospatial and Remote Sensing Research
with Dr. Frazier

Mentor: Dr. Ryan Frazier, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Department of Geography

Description: I am interested in mentoring students in projects of their own design. Come talk to me about your interests and ideas, and we can work together to design a project just for you.
