Section 4 - Course Proposals

4.1 – Nonsubstantive Course Proposals

Nonsubstantive proposals include:

  • Changes in course title or description that do not alter the nature of the course

  • The following changes that affect only the submitting department:

    • prerequisite or co-requisite changes

    • registration restriction changes

    • adding/removing cohort from a course

  • Changes in prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s) affecting another department that include a letter showing support without objection from affected department chair/director. Proposals without such a letter are substantive changes.

  • Course number changes for sequencing purposes that do not change the level of the course.

Nonsubstantive proposals must follow the approval process and receive final approval from the Chair or Vice-Chair of the University Curriculum Committee.

4.2 – Deadline for Nonsubstantive Course Proposals

All non-substantive course proposals are to be submitted through Curriculog on the course revision form. Proposals must be approved by the University Curriculum Committee Chair step in Curriculog by the end of January annually for inclusion in the following year’s catalog. For workshop, experimental, and variable title procedures and deadlines, reference CPPM sections 7-9

4.3 – Approval Process for Nonsubstantive Course Proposals

  • Step 1: Originator

  • Step 2: Department Chair (or Program Director if applicable)

  • Step 3: Dean of College

  • Step 4: University Curriculum Chair

  • Step 5: SIS Implementation

  • Step 6: CatTracks Implementation

  • Step 7: Catalog Implementation

4.4 – Course Prefix Changes

Prefix: A new prefix is created by completing a Prefix Proposal in Curriculog. The prefix will become available for use once the Curriculog Implementation step is complete.

Changing the prefix on a course is considered a non-substantive change. However, it may be submitted along with other substantive or nonsubstantive course proposals if other changes are being made. (i.e. Perhaps a course was housed in a department but now an interdisciplinary prefix is available and more appropriate) If many courses are changing to a new prefix, or the only change being made is to the prefix then the Prefix Proposal may be used.

4.5 – Substantive Course Proposals

Substantive course proposals include new courses, courses requesting study abroad status, deletion of courses, changes in credit hours, or changes in course title or description that significantly alter the nature of the course, and prerequisite changes that affect other departments or significantly change the course. Course number changes from a lower division number to an upper division number or vice versa are considered substantive. Splitting a course with a specific designation (e.g., SUS, CEL) requires that both courses be resubmitted for approval.

Substantive course proposals that affect a program’s total credit hours will also require submission of a Substantive Program Proposal.

Proposals for cross-listed courses are required from all departments that intend to offer the course. The course title and number must be identical. The prefix will reflect each department.

Do not submit a course deletion form unless the department does not intend to offer the course at all. A course deletion should not be submitted if the course is simply being removed from a program but may still be offered as an elective. To re-establish a course that has been processed as deleted will require a new course proposal form.

Proposals for variable title courses: See CPPM Section 9

4.6 – Study Abroad

Any CRNs designated as 'Workshop' or 'Variable Title' courses must be submitted through Curriculog before being approved by the Study Abroad Office. Please be aware of the deadlines for the UCC schedule when planning and submitting courses.

4.7 – Deadline for Substantive Course Proposals

All substantive course proposals are to be submitted through Curriculog. To be reviewed at an upcoming meeting, proposals must reach the University Curriculum Committee step in Curriculog at least one week in advance of the meeting date. Deadline dates are located at the Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee web page. For inclusion in the 18 upcoming year’s catalog, proposals must be passed by UCC no later than their January meeting and passed by Faculty Senate no later than their February meeting.

For effective dates for proposal changes, see PPM 4-2a.

4.8 – Substantive Course Proposal Form
(Includes New Courses)

Substantive proposals must include a Course Proposal form and a course syllabus. See PPM 4-9a for additional syllabus information. A Program Revision form must also be included if the course revision results in a change in the program requirements as listed in the catalog.

The General Education Improvement and Assessment Committee (GEIAC) will review all new General Education Course proposals prior to the course coming to University Curriculum Committee for review (see sections 1.2 – 1.4 above).

The UCC assumes that additional costs and expenditures in terms of faculty, equipment, space, etc. have been considered by appropriate entities.

Answer the questions as fully as possible. Provide material to substantiate your answer.

* Developmental Mathematics Proposals will need to have Mathematics Department approval before they go to the College of Science Curriculum Committee.

* The University Council on Teacher Education must approve courses required in programs leading to secondary undergraduate teacher licensure before being submitted to the University Curriculum Committee. Be sure to allow time in the approval process to make it through UCTE and to University Curriculum a week before the UCC meeting.

The item regarding Library resources must be signed by the Library bibliographer. However, this step occurs after Faculty Senate approval.

4.8.1 – Course Syllabus

A course syllabus is always required for new and substantive proposals. For the purposes of curriculum review, the course syllabus must contain the following information:

  • Course name, number and prefix

  • Course description

  • Learning outcomes

  • Evaluation methods (assignments, exams, quizzes, etc.)

  • Outline of course content

Please see the University Curriculum Canvas Course for syllabus examples.

4.9 – Approval Process for Substantive Course Proposals

  • Step 1: Originator

  • Step 2: Department Chair (or Program Director if applicable)

  • Step 3: College Curriculum Committee

    1. Then to CTE Director (if applicable - If you desire this course to be considered for Perkins (Career Technical Education) funding please check this box, (even if you know it is not currently eligible but you are working toward that end). Call CTE @ x3473 if you have questions.)

  • Step 4: Dean of College

    1. Notification goes to Bibliographer

    2. Courses with a teaching designation then also need to be approved by the University Council in Teacher Education

    3. Graduate courses then need to be approved by Graduate Council

    4. Courses seeking a general education designation then need to be approved by GEIAC

  • Step 5: University Curriculum Committee

  • Step 6: Faculty Senate Executive Committee

  • Step 7: Faculty Senate

    1. Bibliographer - if additional library support is needed

    2. President’s Council - if program name change

    3. Board of Trustees - if program name change

  • Step 8: SIS Implementation

  • Step 9: CatTracks Implementation

  • Step 10: Catalog Implementation