Section 9 - Variable Title Courses
9.1 – Definition of Variable Title Courses
Variable title courses are courses that allow for diverse topics to be offered under a single course prefix and number. When offered, these courses have colons in their titles, such as:
HIST 4720 Special Issues and Topics in European History: The French Revolution or PHIL 4450 Great Thinkers of Philosophy: Mary Wollstonecraft
The part of the title that precedes the colon is the overarching course title, which requires initial approval via the regular substantive new course approval process. Once an overarching course has been approved, new subtitles can be approved as a nonsubstantive item and submitted in Curriculog using the Variable Title Change Proposal form, along with a topical outline of the course. The nonsubstantive subtitle listed after the colon indicates the particular emphasis being offered during a specific semester or term and will appear on student transcripts. Space limitations frequently require that overarching course titles be abbreviated.
9.2 – Deadline for Changing Existing Variable Title Courses
The Chair or Vice-Chair of the University Curriculum Committee is authorized to approve all variable titles. All variable titles must be approved prior to their beginning date.
Once a subtitle has been approved it becomes part of the department curriculum and may be offered by the department as needed without further approval.
Subtitle changes for approved general education courses must be submitted as substantive changes using the appropriate Substantive Course Proposal form.
9.3 – Variable Title Course Proposal Form
A new course proposed as a variable title course requires the completion and submission of the New Course Proposal form, found in Curriculog. If only the variable title/subtitle of an existing course is changing, the Variable Title Change Proposal form is used.
9.4 – Approval Process for an Existing Variable Title Course