Section 8 - Experimental Courses

8.1 – Definition of Experimental Courses

Experimental courses are innovative or pilot courses exploring new educational offerings, subject, or methods, and differing from the standard curriculum format.

8.2 – Proposal Deadline & Expiration of Approved Experimental Course Titles

Experimental course titles must be proposed in Curriculog prior to the start of the term for which the title will be offered. Experimental titles proposed for a term which has already begun may be rejected. Approved experimental titles will be added to the current and following year’s catalog and may be offered during those two years without restriction. After two years, the title will be removed from the catalog and the title may not be used again. Departments proposing multiple experimental titles under the same course number must submit an experimental course proposal for each title.

8.3 – Experimental Course Proposal Form

Experimental course proposals require completion of the New Experimental Course Proposal form in Curriculog. A syllabus of the proposed course must also be attached to the proposal. Experimental title proposals submitted on the incorrect form may be rejected.

8.4 – Restrictions & Requirements for Experimental Courses

No course may be taught experimentally if it has previously been rejected by the University Curriculum Committee as a regular course offering. Only experimental titles approved and published in the university catalog may be offered.

Experimental courses will expire after two years and may not be taught again as experimental courses. The course may be resubmitted to University Curriculum Committee as a new course proposal with its own course number at any time. While a successful offering as an experimental course may be considered as evidence for later creation of a regular course offering, the University Curriculum Committee is not bound by the previous offering and will consider the submission on its merits. 1810, 2810, 3810, 4810, 5810, and 6810 course numbers are reserved for experimental courses. Only x810 course numbers will be used for experimental courses, and x810 course numbers will not be used for any other courses.

It is the responsibility of the department to designate on the scheduled sections the approved experimental title based on the course title and description listed in the current university catalog. Any 1810, 2810, 3810, 4810, 5810, and 6810 experimental course sections scheduled with titles that do not align with the current course catalog may be deleted or removed from the class schedule.

Programs may allow students to use no more than 5 different experimental courses to fulfill degree requirements. It is the department’s responsibility to ensure students are registered for different titles, and not repeating the same course content. Experimental courses will be 1-6 variable credit. It is the department’s responsibility to indicate the appropriate credit hours on the section as approved on the Experimental Course proposal form in Curriculog and as indicated in the course’s description in the current catalog.

Experimental courses may not be cross-listed.

8.5 – Approval Process for Experimental Courses

  • Step 1: Originator

  • Step 2: Department Chair (or Program Director if applicable)

  • Step 3: Dean of College

  • Step 4: University Curriculum Chair

  • Step 5: Student Information System (SIS) Implementation

  • Step 6: Catalog Implementation