How To Fulfill Marketplace Orders

If you have chosen to ship items and follow the fulfillment process, please see below:

  • Log in to 
  • The Marketplace fulfillment process allows you to fulfill multiple orders at the same time (sometimes called batch fulfillment). To fulfill one or more orders, follow these steps:

    • Navigate to Marketplace Home > Stores > [store name] > Fulfill Orders. The pending orders list opens.
    • Locate the orders to fulfill.
    • Select the corresponding checkbox for each order that you would like to fulfill. 
      • Important!  We strongly recommend that you do not attempt to fulfill more than 20 orders at a time. The process of fulfilling large numbers of orders can take several minutes to complete. If the browser timeout limit is reached, the fulfillment page will not update properly.
      • Click the Process Fulfillment button. The Accept Payment page opens.
      • Review the displayed order information.
      • Click the Accept Payment button to verify the charges. If you notice any incorrect order information on the Accept Payment page, see Cancelling an Order or Changing Order Quantity.
      • Click the Print Packing List button, which launches a new browser window that contains packing lists for all the orders that you are fulfilling. When you send the document to your printer, each packing list will print on a separate page.
      • Close the packing list window, and then click the Proceed to Step 3 button.
      • Enter a tracking number (if applicable), and click the Proceed to Step 4 button.
      • Click the Send Email button to send a shipment confirmation to each customer.
        • Note: If you skip the steps for generating a packing slip or entering a tracking number, you can later search for each order being fulfilled and then print packing slips or enter tracking numbers.