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Concur Support Center


Concur for P-card Instructions

Below are videos and tip sheets to help you complete P-card (expense) related tasks in Concur. These are a supplement to mandatory Concur training and do not replace the required P-card training.


Updating Your Expense Profile

Updating Your Expense Profile   

Adding a Delegate   

Activating E-Receipts   


Reviewing/Approving Expense Reports

Reviewing and Approving an Expense Report       

Sending Back an Expense Report       

Adding an Additional Review Step       


Acting as a Delegate

Acting as a Delegate       

Creating/Submitting Expense Reports

Creating a New Expense Report       

Creating an Expense Report with Fixed Travel Allowances       

Adding an Out-of-Pocket Expense to an Expense Report     

Adding Card Transactions to an Expense Report      

Troubleshooting Missing Transactions       

Itemizing Expenses       

Itemizing Nightly Lodging Expenses       

Allocating Expenses       

Working with Available Receipts       

Adding Attendees to a Business Expense       

Entering Personal Car Mileage       

Converting Foreign Currency Transactions       

Correcting and Resubmitting an Expense Report       

Deleting an Expense Report       



Concur for Travel Instructions

Below are videos and tip sheets to help you complete travel related tasks in Concur. These are a supplement to mandatory Concur training and do not replace the required travel training.


Booking & Managing Trips

How to Use the Travel Booking Tool    

Updating Your Travel Profile   

Book a Flight     

Book a Hotel     

Book a Car     

Changing a Purchased and Ticketed Trip     

Creating an Expense Report Based on a Completed Trip     



Concur Mobile App Instructions

Below are videos and tip sheets to help you complete tasks in Concur mobile app. These are a supplement to mandatory Concur training and do not replace the required travel and P-card training.


Logging on to Concur           

Working with ExpenseIt              

Creating an Expense Report            

Capturing Receipts             

Avoiding Duplicate Transactions             

Attaching Receipts & Submitting a Report        

Adding Attendees to an Expense         

Adding Out-of-Pocket Expenses         

Itemizing Nightly Lodging Expenses        

Working with Exceptions        

Working with Foreign Currency        

Booking a Flight         

Booking a Rental Car        

Booking a Hotel        

Approving an Expense Report         

Approve a Trip & Travel Request         


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