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Drones/Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles (UAVs)


91¶ÌÊÓƵ Drones/UAV (Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle) Information

91¶ÌÊÓƵ has established the following requirements and rules to comply with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) which regulates operations of unmanned aircraft vehicles (drones). Compliance to these requirements will ensure safety, security, and privacy of the University community.

University-owned drones/UAV must be FAA registered as well as register with Risk Management for compliance and insurance purposes. All 91¶ÌÊÓƵ-owned drone flights and/or other flights on 91¶ÌÊÓƵ property must be approved by Risk Management, Public Safety, and other applicable departments.

Personal (recreational or hobbyist) use of drones on 91¶ÌÊÓƵ property is prohibited.

Drone/Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Flight Requirements/Rules

Prior to flying a drone at 91¶ÌÊÓƵ or for University purposes, you must obtain approvals and meet the following requirements as soon as practicable, preferably at least five business days prior to planned drone flight.

  1. Obtain required approvals from Risk Management. Approvals will be coordinated with other applicable University departments

  2. Provide a copy of pilot license or remote pilot certificate. Due to our proximity to airports and hospitals, pilots must meet FAA requirements (including section 333 and Part 107)

  3. Provide proof of Drone/UAS Certificate of Registration

  4. Provide proof of insurance ($1M/$3M aggregate) naming 91¶ÌÊÓƵ as additional insured (for non-91¶ÌÊÓƵ owned drones)

  5. Flights should be limited to 400 feet altitude and no faster than 100 mph.

  6. Flights must take place during daylight hours only. The FAA prohibits flights when visibility is low

  7. Pilot must maintain constant visual contact with the aircraft. We strongly encourage there be at least two individuals during the flight, one piloting the aircraft and the other ensuring safety

  8. Provide flight plan (when, where, etc.) including survey of the flight path to make sure to avoid obstructions like towers, power lines, trees, etc.

  9. The operator must assess weather conditions to lessen risks of injury and losses if he/she loses control of the drone

  10. The operator must immediately discontinue the flight when continuing would pose a risks to people or property

  11. The drone/UAV may not fly over people

  12. Establish a safe landing zone of at least 200 sq. ft. This area must be free of people, trees, towers, power lines, and other obstructions.

  13. Operators must stay out of restricted airspace areas and obey any FAA Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFRs).

  14. Drone must meet FAA remote identification requirement

  15. Meet all other institutional, state, and federal requirements