Oral Presentations

Session 1A  •  SU 320


Understanding Equity Challenges Faced by Incarcerated Transgender Individuals: Analyzing State Statutes and their Practice Implications

Presented by: Samuel Owens

HIEE: Graduate Research

 – 09

Suicide in the Correctional Setting: An Examination of Suicide Attempts and Completions in a Local Jail

Presented by: Max Shuman

HIEE: OUR Undergraduate Research

 – 09

Breaking Stereotypes and Stigmas: Advancing Media Representation and Empowering Individuals with Disabilities

Presented by: ShayLee Hunter

HIEE: Graduate Research


Exploring the Impact of Transgender Identity on Perceived Hireability and Work-related Skills

Presented by: Jai Earhart, Aonika Russell & Brennon Martinez

HIEE: OUR Undergraduate Research

Session 1B  •  SU 316

The Bars and Liberation: Ground Zero for a Social Movement

Presented by: Nicolas Anderson

HIEE: OUR Undergraduate Research

 – 09

Spilled Milk: Redefining Bravery

Presented by: Sam Rasley

HIEE: OUR Undergraduate Research

Honors Class Spotlight Session 1A  •  SU 312

– 10

HNRS 2020 - The Art of Genocide

Presented by: Assorted student presentations
Professor: Stephanie Wolfe

Honors Class Spotlight Session 1B  •  SU 305

– 10

HNRS 4900 - Sex & the City: Art Block

Professor: Leah LaGrone
Presented by: Abraham Aguayo-Hidalgo, Sarah Hamilton, Melissa Holmes, River Jensen & Hannah Sneddon

Session 2A  •  SU 320


Factors affecting avian stopover dynamics in a Gambel Oak Community

Presented by: Parker Zabriskie, Connor Johnson & Sydney Sjoblom

HIEE: OUR Undergraduate Research

Multi-label Node Classification for Predicting Brands in Tweets

Presented by: Taehyun Noh, Jimin Go & TackKyoon Woo

HIEE: OUR Undergraduate Research

Quantitative Research: College Student Stress and Communcation

Presented by: Jayci Finch

HIEE: OUR Undergraduate Research


Students' Understandings of the Limit Definition of a Derivative

Presented by: Hadden LeBaron & Adielle Christensen

HIEE: OUR Undergraduate Research

Session 2B  •  SU 316

– 10

Video Project for Youth Futures

Presented by: Andrew Kyed, Lieb Kuich, Joseph Bikeyombe & John Perry

HIEE: Community Engaged Learning

– 11

Presentation Canceled

Presented by: 


– 11

My Experience With Mentoring at Weber State

Presented by: Brennon Martinez

HIEE: Mentoring

 – 11

Levels of Mentoring Experiences

Presented by: Annyssa Reyes, Chanell Sosa & Andrew Kyed

HIEE: Mentoring

Honors Class Spotlight Session 2A  •  SU 312

– 10

HNRS 2130A - The Meaning of Life-Debate: Meanings of Life in the East

Individual Presentations

– 11

HNRS 2130A - The Meaning of Life-Debate: Meanings of Life in the East

Panel Discussion

 – 11

HNRS 2130A - The Meaning of Life-Debate: Meanings of Life in the East

Presented by: Katie & Marc Nelson

Honors Class Spotlight Session 2B  •  SU 305

– 11

HNRS 4900 - Sex & the City Part 2: History Block 

Professor: Leah LaGrone
Presented by: Tyler Clarke, Elizabeth Hatch, Sarah Peterson, Jacoby Anderson & Destiny Gill

Session 3A  •  SU 320

– 1

Departmental Administrative Specialists‚' Role in Student Retention

Presented by: Christel Grange-Hicks

HIEE: Graduate Research

 – 1

Interactive Learning and Imaginative Play: Making Room at the Table for Students Who Don't Fit Academic Stereotypes

Presented by: Jennifer Greenlee

HIEE: Graduate Research

– 1

Withdraw Reasons and Communication Preferences of Moyes College of Education Students

Presented by: Natalie Struhs

HIEE: Graduate Research

 – 2

Cultural Mismatch and its Consequences on Students‚' Education

Presented by: Wyll Wooton

HIEE: OUR Undergraduate Research

Session 3B  •  SU 316

– 1

Assessing the Quality of 91¶ÌÊÓƵ‚ Drinking Water: An investigation into Lead and Copper Contamination

Presented by: Ben Cornwall, Jon Henriod, Rebekah Nilson & Ryan Brown

HIEE: Course-Based Research

 – 1

What you say matters: A look at Anti-DEI Legislation, Rhetoric, and Psychological Safety

Presented by: Teresa Thompson

HIEE: Graduate Research

– 1

Popularity of Mid-twentieth Century Westerns

Presented by: Bailie Avis

HIEE: OUR Undergraduate Research

 – 2

Robert H Jackson and the International Military Tribunal

Presented by: Abigail Cohen

HIEE: OUR Undergraduate Research

Honors Class Spotlight Session 3A  •  SU 312

– 2

HNRS 3900 - Poetry & Print Making

Presented by: Tink Safeer, Jazmyne Olsen, Maggie Draper, Hayden Goodman, Hadlie Brines, Graciela Duenaz, Paige Winegar Fetzer, Abbi Morris, Sara Poppleton, Jayde Zelasko, Samantha Quinton, Kayleene Christensen, Caitlyn Preston & Bailey Quinn
Professor: Laura Stott

Honors Class Spotlight Session 3B  •  SU 305

– 2

HNRS 2830 - Keep or Cancel? 

Abstract: Students from the Honors “Keep or Cancel Writers” class will highlight some of their ideas in relation to questions about artists and artwork, and more specifically about what audiences and readers are to do when a favorite writer behaves badly in some way.  Should their work be abandoned or canceled? Or is it okay to keep enjoying the books and stories? Is it appropriate to separate the written work from the writer? This session will feature 5-minute digital presentations from students in the class.
Presented by: Porter Benton, Calla Brunner, Sharlee Cuevas, James Goodsell, Bracken Gossett, Shauna Gunnell, Frances Hudson, Preston Johnson, Diana Lujan, Melody Nell, Lindsey Rowley, Kelsey Rule, Michael Sabin, Audrey Spendlove & Gideon Wheeler
Professor: Christy Call

Honors Class Spotlight Session 4A  •  SU 312

– 3

Honors Experience Highlight

Presented by: Jai Earhart, Katelynn Ewell, James Goodsell, Avalon Marker & Logan McPheeters

 – 3

Framing Carol: The Price of Salt and the Conformity of Capitalism

Presented by: Jazmyne Olson

 – 3

Artificer Intelligence: A Game Master's Assistive AI Tool to Generate TTRPG Content

Presented by: Christopher Thompson

Honors Class Spotlight Session 4B  •  SU 305

– 2

HNRS 3900 - Mountains Matter

Individual Presentations

– 3

HNRS 3900 - Mountains Matter

Panel Discussion

 – 3

HNRS 3900 - Mountains Matter

Presented by: Cass Morgan & Kacy Peckenpaugh