Please remember: In synch with the ethos of the web, the list below is always in the making. Please let us know if you've made new discoveries as you make your excursions into cyberia, and please check out related web pages on this site as well.
Note as well that, while many websites may be informative and useful, they are typically no substitute for the more sustained scholarly discussion of a book.
TO BE UPDATED AND EXPANDED PERIODICALLY—please stay tuned! Please consult MAL PAL and CAL PAL as well, as the dividing membrane between modern and contemporary/postmodern culture is, much in the spirit of postmodern forms of destabilization, fluid and permeable.
- (excellent)
- Marshall McLuhan I,
- Center for History of New Media
- Magazine
- UBUWEB: Sound: (Poetry) MP 3 Archive
- Douglas Kahn, ,
- , II
- , , What is the Meaning of SOS?
- , , , ,
- (NPR)
- (NPR)
- (NPR); (To be continued)
- Media History Project
- Sven Birkerts,
- - Nicholas Carr, , , (McLuhanism 50 Years Later); ;
=> Clive Thompson, "" (2014/2021) - David Kirkpatrick,
- Benjamin Kunkel.,
- Ted Striphas,
- Evgeny Mozorov,
- Postmodern Theory: Walter Benjamin,
Frankfurt School/Benjamin I, II, , - World's Smallest Fountain Pen
- , "Fred Ott's Sneeze"
- , II,
- , II, III
- (24 June 14)
- (Aug 14)
- Lise Gitelman, How Users Define New Media: A History of the Amusement Phonograph
- Jonathan Lambert, (NPR, 5/24)
- Marc Raboy, (2016)
- (2017)
- From Clay Tablet to Predictive Texts: How Tech Shapes Lit (2017
- 11/18)
- (12/18)
- (4/22)
- Ezra Klein, (8/22)
Bits on Robots
- Klaus Benesch, (Telepolis 2018)
- "
- ,
- Spartacus Educational
- History of Robots in the Victorian Era
- online texts)
- Center for History of Physics
- The Nobel Foundation
- Postmodern Theory: Walter Benjamin
- Frankfurt School/Benjamin I, II,
- , II, III
- (good for book covers)
- Vorticism
- Tom Bissell,
- Oliver Sack's,
- Daniel Kahneman,
- ,
- Pico Ayer,
- (NYT)
- Literary Data Mining
- Before MOOCS, "Colleges of the Air"
- (June 14); (film on Turing, 2014)
- Peter Manseau, (2017) --
photography & spiritualism) - (New Yorker, June 2020)
- (3/21)
- (Oct 21)
Specific Writers and Specific Media
- Guillaume Apollinaire, , GA II, , ; GA I, , , "Lettre-Ocean"
- Appleton, , ,
- J. M. Barrie,
- Benjamin, Walter, [to be filled it, one of these years "],
- Sir Arthur Conan (the Barbarian) Doyle, , , ", D-Original Stories, "Text: The Japanned Box I," "Text: The Japanned Box II," ," "The Voice of Science"
- Charles Dickens,
- F Scott Fitzgerald,
- Em M. Forster,
- Italian Futurism, , F-Technopoetics, , , Centennial Exhibition 2009
- Symphony of Sirens: Soung Experiments in the Russian Avant Garde (1908-1942)
- Jean-Marie Guyau, "Memory and Phonograph" (1880)
- Henry James, , , Postal Unconscious/Typewriter, (PMuse),
- George Bernard Shaw, , , Pygmalion Stories & Art, , , , Shavian Alphabet,
- Ernst Juenger, Review of On Pain (not yet linked)
- Bram Stoker, Phonograph in Dracula (the web contains several sites along these lines)
- Frank Norris, , , (PMuse), , , , Greed III
- Mark Twain, , Yankee, , ,
- Martin Heidegger, On the Hand and the Typewriter
- Friedrich Kittler, [to be started one of these days], (GWY & Eva Horn)
(Obituary, Jussi Parikka), (Stuart Jeffries, The Guardian) (Geoffrey Winthrop-Young, (2012), , (2003) - , Electronic Literature (2008)
- –Theory and Practice of Radio, ,
- , Edmund Morris (2019)
- Lisa Gitelman, How Users Define New Media: A History of the Amusement Phonograph
- Sherry Turkle, (Jonathan Franzen); ;
- Sven Birkerts,
- Anthony Lane, (2007)
- Paul Virilio, (2018)
- Hito Steyerl,
last updated 17 November 2024