Please remember: In synch with the ethos of the web, the list below is always in the making. Please let us know if you've made new discoveries as you make your excursions into cyberia, and please check out related web pages on this site as well.
Note as well that, while many web sites may be informative and useful, they are typically no substitute for the more sustained scholarly discussion of a book.
This site is under development, so please check it regularly. Since the Victorian Web features hundred of links relating to Victorian England, this site tries to duplicate as little as possible. Thanks.
- 91¶ÌÊÓƵ Victorian Literature
- ,
- , II, , (NPR) (NPR), (NPR),
- Representative Poems Online
- (NPR)
- Project Gutenberg
- , II, III
- Rotten Borough I,
- , II
- Spartacus Educational
- , II,
- , II
- LibraryThing (good for book covers)
- Mike Leigh, (2019)
Individual Writers (links not in Victorian Web)
- Matthew Arnold, , Selected Poems, The Function of Criticism, Culture & Anarchy, MA as Literary Critic, ; Anthony Hecht,
- Elizabeth Barrett Browning, , , ,
- G. K. Chesterton, , , , (Audio), , Thursday radio play, Adam Gopnik "The Back of the World," The New Yorker (7 July 2008)
- Thomas Malthus, , II,
- John Stuart Mill, JSM I, JSM II
- Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Selected Poems, T I, T II (incl. "Light Brigade" Sound Recording ),
- Thomas Carlyle, ,
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, , Gender, Crime & Holmes, (12/2018);
- Rudyard Kipling, , , , , ,
Related Figures and Sites
- , , III, , ,
- Isambard Kingdom Brunel I, , , IV
- , II, ,
- Alfred Wegener, Continental Drift I, II,
- , , ,
- ;
- ,
- , ,
Library Videos/DVDs
- Queen Victoria's Empire, DA 550 Q 43
- Was Malthus Right?, HB 863.W37 1999
- The Pre-Raphaelite Revolt, N 6767.5.P7P75 1996
- "Topsy": William Morris, NK 1535.M67 T66 2000
- Arts and Crafts, NK1140.A78
Last update, 5 January 2021