Please remember: In synch with the ethos of the web, the list below is always in the making. Please let us know if you've made new discoveries as you make your excursions into cyberia, and please check out related web pages on this site as well.
Note as well that, while many websites may be informative and useful, they are typically no substitute for the more sustained scholarly discussion of a book.
TO BE UPDATED AND EXPANDED PERIODICALLY—please stay tuned! Please consult MAL PAL and CAL PAL as well, as the dividing membrane between modern and contemporary/postmodern culture is, much in the spirit of postmodern forms of destabilization, fluid and permeable.
Theories and Theorists of Postmodernity – a Sampler
- The "Map": The Modernism/Postmodernism binary
- Contemporary Philosophy, Critical Theory, and Postmodern Thought Excellent comprehensive site from U. Colorado
- Extensive, searchable bibliography from U. Virginia
- Excellent guide to postmodern theory discussion lists on the Net
- Excellent site from the UK. Especially good on Foucault, Butler and on Queer Theory. Comes with a sense of humor, and a full pack of pomo theorist trading cards (get yours today!)
- Cultural Studies and Critical Theory list Interesting essays and links to some good sites, from the CMU English server
- Everything Postmodern: From Nihilism to Utopia Maybe not everything, but quite a lot
- On-line pomo anti-encyclopedia
- Good introduction from The Electronic Labyrinth
- Dia Art Foundation An influential postmodern art, performance and theory space
- Cyberspace, Hypertext and Critical Theory Great set of sites from Brown University
- Making Face, Making Soul A Chicana Feminist homepage; multicultural pomo at its best
- K.I.S.S. of the Panopticon Nicely irreverent set of introduction to the useful and the useless elements of postmodern thought (K.I.S.S. "keep it simple stupid")
- Sarah Zupko's Cultural Studies Center This is a truly massive site that includes numerous links to postmodern theory, theorists, and online article of interest to pomo studies, especially those touching on popular culture
- PopCultures.com/theorists and critics
- Postmodern pochos in a virtual barrio website. Seriously parodic Chicano/a study, news and culture site
Individual Theorists and Theories
- (1/24)
- James Wood,
- Project Baudrillard
- "Cyberfeminism with a Difference" by Rosi Braidotti. Brilliant article on issues of gender in postmodernity
- Deleuze + Guattari I,
- Jacques Derrida
- Umberto Eco homepage
- "Gustavo Gutierrez in Poststructuralist Critique: Toward a Postmodern Liberation" by Jaime Baldboa. An essay in postmodern liberation theology
- Ereignis: The Heidegger Home Page
- Juergen Habermas, "" (Biography, The Nation, 14 Sept 2016)
- Fredric Jameson bibliography
- Paul Virilio, (2018)
- Fine site from Stanford introducing Jameson and his key conceptual contributions
- Lacan
- (in German); Geoffrey Winthrop-Young on culture wars and media theory (Telepolis, , , in German)
- Lyotard Auto-Differend Page
- Marx and Engels Online Library Before and after pomo, Marx continues to be on the horizon
- Marx and Engels resources
- UC Irvine Critical Theory Resource
- Walter Benjamin --
- Michel Serres, (1991)
- (on the Avital Ronell-Nimrod Reitman debacle)
Postmodern (online) Journals and Essays
- Journal includes criticism, theory, fiction/poetry, and reviews
- electronic book review, cutting edge journal about pomo literary and cultural issues
- New Left Review, a key journal of the international Left and "a new resource for the new century."
- A. & M. Kroker's journal, with articles, interviews, reviews and pomo "event scenes"
- Bad Subjects An excellent journal from Berkeley seeking to define a postmodern leftist "politics of everyday life"
- New online journal exploring "rhetoric, spatiality and technology." Asserts that the "boundaries between city and suburb have been blurred" under postmodern conditions.
- Enculturation: An Electric Journal for Cultural Studies, Rhetoric and Theory Broad-ranging journal treating "rhetoric, music, film, literature, and critical/literary/postmodern theory"
- . Hito Steyerl,
- "by undergraduates, for undergraduates"
- A leading criticism journal sometimes engaging pomo thought
- Excellent journal treating transnational culture and postmodernity
- Modern Fiction Studies Fine resource on modern & contemporary literature
- Magazine Cyberculture A list of numerous on-line 'zines dealing with cyber-pomo
- The Loneliness of Cyborgs Site by Michele Lloyd focusing of various movie cyborgs
- RCCS, Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies
- The Effects of Cyberculture
- Postcolonial Literature, (NYT), (NYT 5/14),
- Bruce Robbins, (n+1)
Writers and Others
- (NYT)
- Eye on India (annual festival)
- (3 July 14)
- , a resource for international literature
- ? (NYT)
- (Aug 2014)
- Harish Trivedi, (2005)
last updated, briefly, 21 May 2024 . . . and the last time before then a long, long time ago -- at a different star date :)