NULC 2025 Student Presentation Schedule
Friday, April 4, 2025
Session 1 Breakouts: 8-9 am
(1A) World Literature
Room EH 215
- Ray Chong, Brigham Young University-Idaho, "All That is Solid Melts into Air: Commodified Time in Smilla's Sense of Snow"
- Kirsten Nygaard, Eastern Wyoming College, "The Evolution of Snow White"
- Vitoria Rich, Eastern Wyoming College, "Cannibals to Breadcrumbs: The Origins of Hansel and Gretel"
(1B) American Literature
Room EH 218
- Ianni Acapulco, Ohio State University, "The Unvanishing Act: Understanding There There's Ending"
- Syrena Finnell, 91¶ÌÊÓƵ, "Masculinity, tragedy, and inspiration porn: How disability is portrayed in The Sun Also Rises"
- Arjun Kumar, 91¶ÌÊÓƵ, "The Sun Still Sets: An Ecocritical Examination of Hemingway's Post-War Landscape"
- Ezra Stein, Southern Utah University, "A Riddle Inside an Enigma: Baudrillard's Four Stages of Simulacra, Oliver Stone's JFK and the Efforts of Historical Fiction to Reckon with the Kennedy Assassination"
(1C) British Literature
Room 219
- Ella Curcuruto, Eastern University, "Mother Wants a Lipstick: The False Leisure of Susan Pevensie"
- Anna Jarrell, Marshall University, "From Exaltation to Execution: The Duality of Religious Identity in Othello"
- Lydia Koszegi, Hiram College, "The Wicked Vampire of the East"
- Braden Price, Brigham Young University-Idaho, "The stories that make up the philosophy of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein"
(1D) Poetry
Room EH 206
- Morgan Bailey, Brigham Young University-Idaho, "Betrayal: The Consequence of Trust"
- Mickey Gines, Weber State University, "Exploring Perspectives of Early American Literature Through Creative Literary Works"
- Joshua Milliner, 91¶ÌÊÓƵ, "Thou Art That"
- Audrey Sizemore, Arizona State University, "Winter Rain"
Session 2 Breakouts: 9:15-10:15 pm
(2A) Fiction
Room EH 215
- Bailey Betancourt, Regis University, "Mature or Cynical"
- Gracie Leavitt, Brigham Young University-Idaho, "The Laboring Man"
- Ashton Luddington, 91¶ÌÊÓƵ, "From the Journal of Paine"
- Eldyn Molina, Colorado Mesa University, "From the Rudders of Cpt. Zultan Burst"
(2B) American Literature
Room EH 218
- Darcy Brumfield, Southern Utah University, "Rethinking Unreliable Narrators in The Yellow Wallpaper"
- George Dibble, Brigham Young University, "William Carlos Williams' This is just to Say: The Need for Love's Depicted Reinvention"
- Trevor McEuen, 91¶ÌÊÓƵ, "Henry James, The Real Thing and Hermeneutics"
- Samantha Suplizio, Colorado Mesa University, "Redefining Identity Using Liminality"
(2C) Creative Nonfiction
Room EH 219
- Kassidy Poole, Brigham Young University-Idaho, "Xenophobia and the Battle for Immigrant Rights in America"
- Taylor Ruiz, Brigham Young University-Idaho, "Fall: The LGBTQ+ Experience in the LDS Faith"
- Rachel Rushforth, Brigham Young University-Idaho, "Societal Complications"
- Dylan Watts, 91¶ÌÊÓƵ, "Keep a Commonplace Book"
(2D) World Literature
Room EH 206
- Harrison Bacchus, Central Michigan University, "Ethics Reflected Through Characters in Balzac's Old Goriot"
- Meera Balan, Reed College, "From Erasure to Empowerment: The Role of English in Dalit Struggle Against Caste"
- Tahirih Bochmann, Colorado Mesa University, "Exploring Hybridized Identity in Teresia Teaiwa's Fear of Flying (in Broken Gilbertese)"
Session 3 Breakouts: 1-2 pm
(3A) Digital Literature & Technical Writing
Room EH 215
- Anna Jarrell, Marshall University, "The Froggish Phobia: An Ecocentrical Reading of The Princess and the Frog"
- Gracie Leavitt, Brigham Young University-Idaho, "Living in Quiet Desperation: American Men's Depression in an Economic Society"
- Christian Paystrup, Southern Utah University, "Neuroqueering Masked Autistic Male Representation and Trauma in Ezra"
- Kiara Wright, Southern Utah University, "Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here: Financial Masculinity and Gender Performance in American Psycho"
(3B) American Literature
Room EH 218
- Malia Agostinelli, High Point University, "The Awakening of the Fatherless Psyche"
- Anja Cajigas, Brigham Young University-Idaho, "The Resounding Call: Tension Between Soul and Mind in O'Connor's The Violent Bear It Away"
- Lydia Koszegi, Hiram College, "Will the Real Cowboy Please Stand Up"
- Wonjoo Lee, Ohio State University, "Resistance in Fourteen Lines: Claude McKay's Sonnets in the Context of the Red Summer"
(3C) British Literature
Room EH 219
- Adhithi Anjali, University of California-Davis, "The Public Body: Developing Identity Through Violation"
- Ray Chong, Brigham Young University-Idaho, "Can the Proletariat Speak?: Romantic Anti-Capitalism and the Ideological Limitations of Hard Time"
- Megan Hunter, Brigham Young University-Idaho, "Bridging or Widening the Gap?: A Rebuke of Michael Payne's Claims of Sexual Equity in Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway"
- Laura Plasencia, Southern Utah University, "Shaping Existence: Existentialism in Hamlet and Its Adaptations"
Session 4 Breakouts: 2:15-3:15 pm
(4A) Panel "Literature as History: The Reciprocal Relationship"
Room EH 215
Moderator: Mali Subbiah
- Reese Donnelly, 91¶ÌÊÓƵ, "Qiu Jin: A forgotten Feminist to the West"
- Hayden Dussol, 91¶ÌÊÓƵ, "Malintzin of the Maquilas': Social Commentary on the U.S.-Mexican Border"
- Allyson Hoffman, 91¶ÌÊÓƵ, "Literature is a Historical Archive of Cultures, Places, and Times"
- Zoe Marchant, 91¶ÌÊÓƵ, "The Miners' Cry: Cry, the Beloved Country's Mining Industry and Its Place in History"
(4B) British Literature
Room EH 218
- Asher Behmer, Reed College, "The Liminal Vathek: A New Perspective on Beckford's Arabian Tale"
- Elena Faulk, Regis University, "Power in the Fluidity of Identity: Bianca from Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew"
- Mariah Roman, Point Loma Nazarene University, "National Identity, Social Order, and Romanticization: Gypsies in Jane Austen's Emma"
- Angelina Ross, Hiram College, "Repressed Desires and Inner Turmoil in Hamlet (1990)"
(4C) American Literature
Room EH 219
- Erin Atkinson, Southern Utah University, "Fearful, Not Feared: Indigenous Storytelling of Naivety in Louise Erdich's The Round House"
- Stuart Campbell, Brigham Young University-Idaho, " John Ashberry's And Ut Pictura Poesis Is Her Name: Absurdity, Meaning, and Failing Language"
- Adan Cruz, Regis University, "Thoreau & Jacobs: Freedom in Numbers or Division?"
- Anie Vaninetti, Pacific University, "The Depths of The Middle Passage: Merfigures in African Enslavement"
(4D) Fiction
Room EH 206
- Syrena Finnell, 91¶ÌÊÓƵ, " You and I: Two Short Stories"
- Maddie Maschger, Brigham Young University-Idaho, "This Is What It's Like To Live"
- Nat Mayers, Brigham Young University-Idaho, "A Dead Girls Biography"
- Jana Moon, 91¶ÌÊÓƵ, "Friendship is Madness, Chapter One: Money Can't Buy Sappiness"
Saturday, April 5, 2025
Session 5 Breakouts: 8-9 am
(5A) Fiction
Room EH 215
- Morgan Bailey, Brigham Young University-Idaho, "Myriamorth Massacre"
- Grant Fairbanks, 91¶ÌÊÓƵ, "Ironbound"
- Joshua Milliner, 91¶ÌÊÓƵ, "Two Please"
(5B) British Literature
Room EH 218
- Taylor Galavotti, High Point University, "Talk Therapy in Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse"
- Nathasya Josephine, National Taiwan Normal University, "Dystopian Fiction: Life's Bleak Realities in Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four and Butler's Erewhon"
- Maddie Maschger, Brigham Young University-Idaho, "The Role of Marriage in Charlotte Brontë's Works"
- Madison Molis, High Point University, "Idealized Women in Rossetti's In an Artist's Studio"
(5C) American Literature
Room EH 219
- Isabella Hamann, Colorado Mesa University, "Out of my Mind: A Contemporary Feminist Disability Analysis"
- Lily Jensen, Brigham Young University, "Marriage Law in Marilynne Robinson's Jack"
- Addison Smith, Southern Utah University, "Navigating Morality and Technology in Klara and the Sun"
- Oliver Stirland, Southern Utah University, "Purposeful Ambivalence: Contradictory Attitudes Towards Suicide in A Wall of Fire Rising by Edwidge Danticat"
Session 6 Breakouts: 10:30-11:30 am
(6A) Creative Nonfiction
Room EH 215
Moderator: Dana Gibson
- Suzzanne Bigelow, Arizona State University, "What Was Found in the Breaking"
- Alexa Stultz, 91¶ÌÊÓƵ, "i love u Lists - The Slang of School Shootings"
- Joelle Wills, Colorado Mesa University, "Restoration"
- Alicia Woodward, University of Utah Honors College, "Mother, Daughter, Woman: Traveling Through Inhabited Roles"
(6B) World Literature
Room EH 218
- Kirra Blue, Colorado Mesa University, "Tintin in the Land of Progression: A Belgian Reporter's Xenophobic Journey through Comics"
- Morganne Price, Southern Utah University, "Magical Realism: Resisting Postcolonialism in Midnight's Children"
- Ellen Yang, Stanford University, "Now, Then, and Everything in Between: Intimacy and Mediated Temporality in Normal People"
(6C) Poetry
Room EH 219
- Rachel Douglass, 91¶ÌÊÓƵ, "Untitled"
- Daniel Gifford, Brigham Young University-Idaho, "One Day: The World I Shall Make"
- Lance Mundell, 91¶ÌÊÓƵ, "My Own Prison Collection"
- Braden Price, Brigham Young University-Idaho, "Cheers to the Forgotten Ones"
(6D) American Literature
Room EH 206
- Kaelynn Blake, Central Michigan University, "Temporal Distortions in Benjy's Perspective of The Sound and the Fury"
- Wilson Hurdle, Brigham Young University, "Exploring the Labyrinth: History and Horror"
- Chelsea Jocelyn, Southern Utah University, "Surveillance and Repression: McCarthyism and the Lavender Scare in The Price of Salt"
- Jazmyne Olson, 91¶ÌÊÓƵ, "Dreaming Through the Ashes: Drawing from Speculative Indigenous Narratives in the Face of Climate Change & Queer Oppression"
Session 7 Breakouts: 11:45-12:45 pm
(7A) American Literature
Room EH 215
- Jacob Carr, Southern Utah University, "X-Posing the Gaze: Identification, Repression, and the Spectacle of Desire in Ti West's X"
- Beatrice Crist, Grinnell College, "Burial in Ariel Dorfman's Novels: Fiction as Commemoration"
- Ellie Hutchings, Colorado Mesa University, "Situating Race in Liminality: Toni Morrison's Recitatif"
- Ashton Luddington, 91¶ÌÊÓƵ, "The Pursuit of Something More"
(7B) British Literature
Room EH 218
- Abigail Kadlec, University of Oregon, "Characteristics of Modernist Women's Literature and its Revival in Contemporary Novels"
- Samaya Shah, Pingry School, "The Idolization of Wealth and the Moral Decline in Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens"
- Audrey Sizemore, Arizona State University, "Richardson's Pamela: Denial, Despair, and Desire"
(7C) World Literature
Room EH 219
- Abigail Fathauer, Depauw University, "Birthing Bodies, Cursing Tongues: Women as Creators in Early Celtic Literature"
- Elizabeth Melendez, 91¶ÌÊÓƵ, " Literature and Revolution: China's Dynastic Evolution"
- Ella Newstead, Grinnell College, "Symbolic Parenthood and Origins in Salman Rushdie's Novels"
(7D) Fiction
Room EH 219
- Claire Bennion, Brigham Young University-Idaho, "The Summer Maddox Moved"
- Miriam Ikner, Brigham Young University-Idaho, " Sweat On My Lips"
- Neal Patching, Brigham Young University-Idaho, "Mountaineer: A Reflection of a Trial Overcome"