Session 5 Breakouts

8-9 a.m.

(5A) Fiction
Room EH 215

  • Morgan Bailey, Brigham Young University-Idaho, "Myriamorth Massacre"
  • Grant Fairbanks, 91¶ÌÊÓƵ, "Ironbound"
  • Joshua Milliner, 91¶ÌÊÓƵ, "Two Please"

(5B) British Literature
Room EH 218

  • Taylor Galavotti, High Point University, "Talk Therapy in Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse"
  • Nathasya Josephine, National Taiwan Normal University, "Dystopian Fiction: Life's Bleak Realities in Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four and Butler's Erewhon"
  • Maddie Maschger, Brigham Young University-Idaho, "The Role of Marriage in Charlotte Brontë's Works"
  • Madison Molis, High Point University, "Idealized Women in Rossetti's In an Artist's Studio"

(5C) American Literature
Room EH 219

  • Isabella Hamann, Colorado Mesa University, "Out of my Mind: A Contemporary Feminist Disability Analysis"
  • Lily Jensen, Brigham Young University, "Marriage Law in Marilynne Robinson's Jack"
  • Addison Smith, Southern Utah University, "Navigating Morality and Technology in Klara and the Sun"
  • Oliver Stirland, Southern Utah University, "Purposeful Ambivalence: Contradictory Attitudes Towards Suicide in A Wall of Fire Rising by Edwidge Danticat"

Room EH 206

  • Name, University, " Title"
  • Name, University, " Title"
  • Name, University, " Title"
  • Name, University, " Title"