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Pre Veterinary Medicine Program

Attending 91¶ÌÊÓƵ for pre vet and potentially earning a degree in Zoology offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in a specialized undergraduate program tailored to your passion. With a dedicated focus on Zoology, you'll benefit from personalized attention, hands-on experience, and cutting-edge research opportunities. Weber State's program equips you with a comprehensive understanding of animal biology, behavior, and conservation, preparing you for a successful career in veterinary medicine or related fields. Plus, the supportive community and resources available at Weber State ensure that you'll receive the guidance and support needed to excel in your academic and professional endeavors. Begin your journey and attend the mandatory, informative, and virtual Pre-Medical Professions Information Sessions. 

Attend the Pre-Medical Professions Information Session

Pre Vet Requirements

Continue pre vet path by completing pre vet required courses, most of which are in science disciplines. Though the specific undergraduate course requirements vary from school to school, the most common classes taken at Weber State are outlined below.  There is not a "pre-vet" major at Weber State. The courses below meet requirements for a major in Zoology, but it is not a complete list of requirements for the degree. Discuss your major options and requirements with your advisor, James K. Moore after attending the information session. Always check the specific requirements of the institutions where you plan to apply. 

Pre Vet General Education Courses

Most schools require between 10 - 24 credits in humanities. These should include:

  • Principles of Public Speaking (Comm HU 1020 @ 3) or Introduction to Interpersonal and Small Group Communication (Comm HU 1050 @ 3)
  • Introduction to Writing (Eng 1010 @ 3)

Meet with our College of Science academic advisors to understand all general education degree requirements and to create your course schedule.

Pre Vet Science Courses

The  is your best bet for admissions into veterinary school. A degree earning curriculum through the zoology department, focusing on pre-vet program requirements, typically takes four years. Qualified students may apply for admission to vet schools before completing their degree. 

Life Science Pre-Vet Courses

Required for most veterinary schools & a zoology major:

Principles of Zoology (1110); 

Diversity of Animals (2220);

Cell Biology (3200); 

Genetics (3300); 

Ecology (3450);

Comparative Physiology (3600);

Evolution (3720); 

Seminar (4990).

Recommended upper division (3000+) electives: 

Comparative Anatomy (4050); 

Embryology (4100); 

Histology (4120); 

Parasitology (4500);

Mammalogy (4680).

Note: The Zoology major also requires two microbiology/botany courses as support. See course list for details.



Physical Science Pre-Vet Courses

Chemistry requirements:

Principles of Chemistry I & II (Chem 1210, 1220 @ 5 ea);

Organic Chemistry I (Chem 2310 @ 5 );

Biochemistry I (Chem 3070 @ 4).

Note: Some vet schools want 2 full semesters of Organic Chem plus Biochemistry

Physics requirements:

General Physics I w/ Lab
(Phsx 2010 + 2010L @ 5), or

Calculus Physics I w/ Lab
(Phsx 2210 + 2210L @ 5)

Note: Some vet schools will want a full year of physics with lab. 

Mathematics requirements:

Varies by school, for example:

  • Utah State/Washington: Algebra or higher (3 cr.), Statistics (3 cr.)
  • Oregon State: 1 Calculus OR College Algebra & Trigonometry course(s), AND 1 Statistics course
  • Colorado State: Statistics. 

Note: Taking Calculus will maximize the schools you can apply to!



  1. Gain experience working, shadowing, or volunteering with local veterinarians.
  2. Get involved with undergraduate research and start thinking outside the box.
  3. Build a rapport with faculty members and ask for letters of recommendation.
  4. Prepare for the and complete the exam before sending applications.
  5. Join extracurricular groups such as the Pre-Vet Club and/or the Zoology Club and help with community service projects.
  6. Round out your application with community service, volunteer experience and academic success. Vet programs look for well rounded applicants.


Currently, students spend their first two years in Logan, and then attended Washington State University's Veterinary Medical Program.  This will be changing soon so that the complete program will be completed through Utah State University.




Participation in the pre-vet student club will provide you with the support and connections that will assist in making your journey successful. 
Email, prevet@weber.edu and connect with us on  too!

Join A Club Today!


Let's Connect!



Office hours

Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Mailing address

College of Science
1415 Edvalson St., Dept. 2501
Ogden, UT 84408-2505

Building location

Tracy Hall Science Center (TY)