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Phi Alpha Honor Society

The Phi Alpha Honor Society offers high-achieving Weber State social work students opportunities to create close bonds with their peers while promoting humanitarian goals and ideals.


  • Medallion to wear at graduation
  • Accolade for resumes and graduate school applications
  • Lifetime membership


  • Senior in the social work major
  • 3.0 cumulative grade point average
  • 3.5 social work grade point average


How to Join

Turn in your completed application, along with a copy of your transcript (unofficial is okay) and a one-time fee of $60, to the Department of Social Work & Gerontology.

Phi Alpha Honor Society Application


  • Fall graduates: Oct. 31 or 3 weeks prior to date of graduation
  • Spring graduates: March 19 or 3 weeks prior to graduation



If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact:

Dr. Corina Segovia-Tadehara