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Registration Hints

Before you register for Education Classes, please visit the Teacher Education website course schedule.

* If you are in the PBCT program, please visit this page for the proposed schedule


Secondary Education Students

  • Secondary Education Students must have a “teaching” major declared in order to register for the Core Block classes. See your major department if you still need to be declared appropriately. Please determine with your major department if a teaching minor is required. Be advised the Teacher Education Department strongly recommends you select a teaching minor even if it is not required for your teaching major.
  • Fall and Spring Registration will include a set of six classes each of which are offered in face-to-face and/or online format.
  • Please register for for all six courses in the Professional Core (ProCore): EDUC 3220, EDUC 3265, EDUC 3900, EDUC 3935, EDUC 3315, and EDUC 3910.

Elementary and SPED Students

  • Elementary Education students need to register for all Level 1 classes: EDUC 3145, EDUC 3120, EDUC 3205, and EDUC 3270. (Please note your catalog year should show as current academic year).
  • The course schedule link listed above will show the exact classes with days and times along with course ID numbers for those courses. Please refer to this prior to registering for classes.
  • Fall and Spring Registration will include a set of four classes each of which are offered in face-to-face and/or online format.
  • Special Education students should take block one (Level 1) classes in the fall.  These include: EDUC 3115, EDUC 3145, EDUC 3120, EDUC 3205, EDUC 3270.




Early Childhood Education

Early Childhood students need to register for EDUC 3115, EDUC 3120, and EDUC 3270, in addition to your ECED courses. Please meet with your faculty advisor to ensure you are on track for graduation.

More information at Early Childhood Education website.

Early Childhood Education majors:
CHF Academic Advisor information: TBD

Notice for ALL Students

  • Correspondence between Teacher Education department faculty/staff and students will only be done through Weber student email accounts, so please check it frequently.
  • All Teacher Education Students must complete all required coursework prior to student teaching. You will not be allowed to student teach until your teaching major, minor, composite major, general education, and university requirements are completed.
  • In addition, there is a firm application deadline for student teaching. More information can be found in the Student Teaching section of the website.