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BTS Arts Internship

BTS Arts is growing! This means districts in the 91¶ÌÊÓƵ service area (Davis School District, Weber School District, Ogden School District, Morgan School District, and surrounding charter schools) are hiring more than ~48-96 new BTS Arts educators in the next 5 years. These potential teacher positions will be in music, dance, drama, and visual art; part-time or full-time, and offer the opportunity to earn required teaching licenses and arts endorsements while working. Fall 2023 91¶ÌÊÓƵ applications are now open!

Check out this .


  • Paid! ($15/hour)
  • Positions in elementary (K-6) music, dance, drama, and visual art


Required: Basic art form knowledge in one (or more) or the following: dance, music, drama, or visual art

Preferred: Teaching experience


  • Flexible scheduling
  • Fall 2024 cohort runs from Sept to Nov
  • Spring 2025 cohort runs from Jan to Mar
  • 20 hours/semester – includes:
    • (10 hours) online modules
    • (8 hours) observation, prep, and co-teaching
    • (2 hours) online reflection

What Will Interns Do?

Interns will:

  • Learn about the BTS Arts
  • Become familiar with arts integration
  • Observe a BTS Arts arts educator
  • Co-teach an arts integration lesson in the elementary classroom
  • Explore classroom management skills for the arts classroom
  • Develop age-appropriate and standards-based arts lessons, exercises, etc

Need more information?

Please visit the following websites:

Have questions? Contact Samantha Steffan (samanthasteffan@weber.edu), BTS Arts Program Coordinator.