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international business economics '21 (outstanding grad)

“Take advantage of this opportunities while you are in college. Your commitment and leadership experience will set up aside with great opportunities. Do not wait to do what you want and ASK questions! Do not be afraid, remember that you are in college to learn from professionals :) YOU GO WILDCAT.


I am originally from Monterrey, Mexico. I moved here when I was a junior in high school and I worked really hard and I started learning English till I graduated with high honors. I new I was capable of succeeding so I wanted to go to a college were I could be in a small classroom and learn. I applied for the Goddard School at Weber State because their program is amazing and International Business Economics is a major that other universities do not have. This university has great programs and opportunities that are available for everyone if you look for them.


I love to travel and I love numbers so it was the perfect major for me. International Business Economics is a strong major that I can do a lot of thing in the work-field. My goal is to work in an International company and use my skills to grow.


The Goddard School has great mentors. The opportunities are unique and so wide-ranging that there is something out for everyone. Talking to my counselor really helped me to organize with my classes and fit study abroad and my honor classes. Also, getting ready for interviews with Brett Merrell was the best I could do. 


I enrolled in the honors program and I graduated with General Honors and University Honors. I did the HIEE program so I did some milestones and got some unique opportunities. I was a member of the National Society of Leadership and Success in which I learned how to set up goals and work towards those. Also, I went to Fiji as an Alternative Spring Break through CCEL department in which I helped the communities. I did another trip to New York for an International business conference and then to a United Nations Conference. Lastly, I took a class in Bremen, Germany and I learned about different cultures and how the educational system work in different countries. 

Right now, I am part of the Women’s Federation for World Peace International. We run a club for the NGO CSW and we organize conferences, panels, and so on.I was enroll in a lot of activities besides my classes. It is the best thing about college. At least for me, this activities/clubs were helpful to engage in the University. I recommend getting involved as much as you can.


Brett Merrell (Director, Goddard Career Services) made a big impact on me. He helped me get my resume and apply for the jobs that matched me. He takes the time to work with you and get what you are looking for. I'd recommend talking to him for any job/interviews/etc. 


The Goddard School has great opportunities, but it is not easy. If you work hard and organize yourself you'll accomplish great things. I tell you this because I am graduating this semester with Honors, University Honors, as an Outstanding Student, and as a Goddard Scholar. Take advantage of this opportunities while you are in college. Your commitment and leadership experience will set up aside with great opportunities. Do not wait to do what you want and ASK questions! Do not be afraid, remember that you are in college to learn from professionals :) YOU GO WILDCAT.


I am moving to Texas after my last semester of school. I want to work for the United Nations and bring the nations closer. I want to help countries and leave a mark.

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