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WeberBiz Invitational



  • Presentations may be delivered via print or digitally, however, 91¶ÌÊÓƵ will not provide projection equipment, computers, or internet access.
  • Teams will have 10 minutes to present the solution to their case to one of the three case judges. Anything after the 10 minutes will not be counted.
  • After the 10 minute presentation, there will be a 5 minute Q&A session. Questions will be related directly to the case and the team's knowledge of the two or three identified business concepts of the case.
  • Judges in each case will use the same scoring rubric.
  • Each judge in each case will score eight presentations and identify a winning team based on their scoring rubric. There will be four judges per case. Judges will be assigned randomly.
  • The top team from each judge will move on to the semi-final twist round.
  • Each team in the twist round will have one (1) hour to develop a presentation addressing the twist. Computers with internet access will be available during the twist. All twist presentations must be provided in Google Slides and as a PDF at the end of the one hour. The Google Slide deck will be shared with the event coordinator for the final presentation at the end of the one hour time allotment. Presentations shared after the one hour time allocation will be disqualified. 
  • Teams in the final round will have 5 minutes to present with no questions asked. At the 5 minute mark, the mic will be turned off and the next team's slides will be displayed. 


  • Event times and judge selection will be randomly assigned and provided at event registration the day of the event
  • Students must be in grades 9-12 and currently enrolled in school (home schooled students, contact elizafry@weber.edu)
  • Students are not required to be enrolled in DECA or FBLA
  • Students may bring only that which they can carry by hand (not push or pull)
  • During the twist work, students must work alone in their group of three (no advisor help). These students will have access to the internet.
  • Internet will not be provided for the initial round.
  • Projection equipment is not provided for the initial round.