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The Department of Mathematics is organizing a Richards Math Lecture scheduled for fall 2024. More information will be posted when it becomes available.

Join us for the biennial Frank and Lisa Richards Mathematics Lecture Series. 
This lecture series is intended to raise awareness of mathematics on campus and in the northern Utah community. 
Although mathematics is frequently acknowledged as being useful and challenging, mathematics is inherently beautiful and mysterious,
and the Richards Math Lecture is a wonderful opportunity for attendees to see this.

2018 Guest Lecturer

Dr. Jill C. Trepanier

Louisiana State University
Geography and Anthropology
Associate Professor


Understanding Extreme Hurricane Behavior Using Quantitative Geography


Extreme hurricanes threaten coastal areas around the world. In an ever-changing climate, the importance of understanding the frequency and magnitude of these events grows. Geographers often use mathematics, such as probability theory, to best describe and understand the physical environment. A variety of statistical techniques, including geographically weighted regression, extreme value threshold modeling, and bivariate copula dependency are used to present the risk of varying hurricane characteristics in the United States and surrounding countries. In addition to these techniques, varying visual tools are displayed including interpolated surfaces and hexagonal tessellations. These tools provide innovative ways to visualize present and future hurricane risk.


To be announced


To be announced

Join the Fun!

Free, open to the public

Event postcard, download and share!



Richards Lecture Series Gallery

Past Events:


February 8, 2016 

Harmonious Equations: A Mathematical Exploration of Music, by Dr. David Kung, from St. Mary's College of Maryland 

2nd Biennial Richards Math Lecture Series
September 27, 2012 

Voting in an Agreeable Society, by Dr. Francis E. Su, from Harvey Mudd College

1st Biennial Richards Math Lecture Series
March 30, 2010 

Spherical Cats and Ham Sandwiches, by Dr. Jonathan Rogness, from the University of Minnesota


Dr. Franklin & Lisa Richards, thanks!

Let's Connect!

o: 801-626-6095
f: 801-626-6427
To book a math major advising appointment: 

Math Placement Information


Office hours

Closed due to  Covid-19
8/24- 9/4 M-F 8 am - 4 pm
9/4-12/11: Mondays 8 am - 4 pm 
Please email math@weber.edu if assistance is needed outside of these hours. 

Mailing address

Department of Mathematics
1415 Edvalson St., Dept. 2517
Ogden, UT 84408-2517

*We are limiting in-person meetings to keep us all safer. Face-coverings are required when on campus.

Building location

Tracy Hall Science Center (TY)
Room 381, Mail Code 2517

Click for campus map