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Mathematics Degree Programs and Advising

In our Programs, you will learn mathematical theory, logical thinking, applications, and proofs. Problem-solving, analysis, and computational strategies are emphasized, along with computer and communication skills. To learn more about the mathematics degrees, get direction and understand your posibilities please speak with your advisor.

Advising for Mathematics Programs

Matt Ondrus

Office: TY 381H

Mathematics Programs include:

  • Majors in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Computational Statistics and Data Science for AS, BA or BS degrees.
  • Minor in Mathematics

Advising for the Mathematics Teaching Program

C. David Walters

Assistant Professor
Office: TY 319

Mathematics Teaching Program includes:

  • Major in Mathematics Teaching for BA or BS degrees.
  • Minor in Mathematics Teaching

Proper attention will be given so you will learn what you need to further your plans, whether they be graduate school, work in industry or teaching. 

For questions about general education or university requirements please visit the College of Science Student Success Advising Office.

Review your GradMap.
For questions email math@weber.edu,
visit us in TY381, or

Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science Options:

Mathematics, BA or BS

Applied Mathematics, BA or BS

Comp. Statistics and Data Sci.

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Teaching, BA or BS

Associates, Minors and Other Programs:

AS in Mathematics

Minor in Mathematics

Minor in Mathematics Teaching

Environmental Science (BS)

Let's Connect!


Math Placement Information
Developmental Math Dept.
(Math 1010 and lower)


Office hours

Please email math@weber.edu if assistance is needed outside of these hours.


Mailing address

Department of Mathematics
1415 Edvalson St., Dept. 2517
Ogden, UT 84408-2517

*We are limiting in-person meetings to keep us all safer. Face-coverings are required when on campus.

Building location

Tracy Hall Science Center (TY)
Room 381, Mail Code 2517

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