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Dr. Robert K. Okazaki, Ph.D.



1988 – Ph.D., Aquatic and Population Biology: University of California, Santa Barbara, CA. Dissertation: Factors regulating predation on crab embryos by the nemertean Carcinonemertes: The role of host ecdysteroids. Dr. Armand Kuris: Major Professor and Dr. Ernest Chang (Adjunct co-major professor)

1976 – M.A., Marine Biology: San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA. Thesis: The accumulation of copper in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Dr. Joel Gustafson: Major Professor.

1971 – A.B., Zoology: University of California, Berkeley, CA. Drs. Ralph Smith and Cadet Hand: Undergraduate Mentors


Honors and Awards


2009 Spencer Seager College of Science Distinguished Teaching Award

‘05 ‘00 ’96 Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers Award

1981-86 Sea Grant Trainee, California Sea Grant College, La Jolla, CA

Professional Experience


2017 – Present – Professor Emeritus of Zoology 91¶ÌÊÓƵ, Ogden, UT

2004 – Current – Professor, Department of Zoology 91¶ÌÊÓƵ, Ogden, UT

1999 – 2004 – Associate Professor, Department of Zoology 91¶ÌÊÓƵ, Ogden, UT

1998 – 1999 – Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology 91¶ÌÊÓƵ, Ogden, UT

1996 – 1997 – Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, LA

1990 – 1996 – Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, LA

1989 – 1990 – Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Biological Sciences, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL (Dr. John Freeman: Project Director) Cell growth and development in eyestalk-ablated grass shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio

1987 – Research Assistant, Institute of Marine Resources, California Sea Grant College, La Jolla, CA

1987 – Teaching Assistant (Problems in Marine Biology) Bodega Marine Laboratory, University of California, Davis,CA

1986 – Research Assistant, Department of Wildlife & Fisheries, University of California, Davis, CA

1977 – 1981 – Staff Research Associate II, Sanitary Engineering & Environmental Health Research Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, CA

1976 – 1977 – Staff Research Associate I & II, Bodega Marine Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, CA

1976 – Instructor for Marine Biology, Skyline College, San Bruno, CA

1973 – 1975 – Staff Biologist, Bodega Bay Institute of Pollution Ecology, Berkeley, CA (Dr. Robert W. Risebrough: Director)

Master Theses


Heslin, L.B. 1995. Cd, Cr,and Pb accumulation in the tissues of the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus. Southeastern Louisiana University

Church, D.R. 1996. Seasonal variation of plasma testosterone titers in male red back salamanders, (Plethodon cinereus). Southeastern Louisiana University

Society and Organizations


American Association for the Advancement of Science

Society for Comparative and Integrative Biology

The Crustacean Society

National Center for Science Education

Western Society of Naturalists



Phone: 801-626-6165

Department of Zoology
1415 Edvalson Street; Dept 2505
Ogden, UT 84408-2505