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Chabet dis, C., W. Refes & R.K. Okazaki. 2023 91¶ÌÊÓƵ. First biocharacterization of Artemia populations from western and northwestern Algeria. Zoomorphology https://doi.org/10.1007/s00435-023-00626-3. 

Chernyshev, A.V., J.E. Fernandez Alfaya, N. Anadon, S.C.S. Andrade, T. Bartolomaeus, J. von Dohren, F.A. Fernandez Alvarez, G. Giribet, J. Junoy, H. Kajihara, W.R. Kem, A. Kuris, S. Kvist, A. Machordom, E.G. Mcevoy, J.L. Norenburg, R.K. Okazaki, A.D. Rogers, M. Strand, S-C. Sun, P. Sundberg & M. Thiel. 2023 91¶ÌÊÓƵ. Ray Gibson (1938-2023 91¶ÌÊÓƵ): in memoriam. Zootaxa 5311: 596-599.

Strand, M., J. Norenburg, J.E. Alfaya, F.Á. Fernández-Álvarez, H.S. Andersson, S.C.S Andrade, T. Bartolomeus, P Beckers, G. Bigatti, I. Cherneva, A. Chernyshev, B.M. Chung, J. von Döhren, G. Giribet, J. Gonzalez-Cueto, A. Herrera-Bachiller, T. Hiebert, N. Hookabe , J. Junoy, H. Kajihara, D. Krämer, S. Kvist, T.Y. Magarlamov, S. Maslakova, C.B Mendes, R. Okazaki, C. Sagorny, M. Schwartz, S.-C. Sun, P. Sundberg, J.M. Turbeville & C-M. Xu. 2019. Nemertean taxonomy—Implementing changes in the higher ranks, dismissing Anopla and Enopla. Zoological Scripta 48: 118-119

Wang, Z., A. Asem, R.K. Okazaki & S.-C. Sun. 2019 The critical stage for inducing oviparity and embryonic diapause in parthenogenetic Artemia (Crustacea: Anostraca): an experimental study. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 37: 1669-1677 

Chernyshev, A.V., E.P. Kotsyuba, & R.K. Okazaki. 2018. Thermal induction of heat shock proteins Hsp70 and Hsp90 in tissues of the nemerteans Lineus alborostratus Takakura, 1898 and Quasitetrastemma stimpsoni (Chernyshev, 1992). Invertebrate Zoology 15: 51–70

Chung, B.M., R.C. Stevens, C.L. Thomas, L.N. Palmere & R.K. Okazaki. 2015. Preliminary report of a neurokinin-like receptor gene sequence for the nemertean Paranemertes sp. Zoological Science 32: 567-570.

Hao, Y, H. Kajihara, A.V. Chernyshev, R.K. Okazaki & S-C. Sun. 2015. DNA taxonomy of Paranemertes (Nemertea: Hoplonemertea) with spirally fluted stylets. Zoological Science 32: 571-578.

Wang, S, M. Ma, Q. Zhang, G. Sun, R.K. Okazaki. 2015. Efficient phosphate sequestration in waters by the unique hierarchical 3D Artemia egg shell supported nano-Mg(OH)2 composite and sequenced potential application in slow release fertilizer. American Chemical Society Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 3: 2496-2503.

Okazaki, R.K. & I.S. Wehrtmann. 2014. Preliminary survey of a nemertean crab egg predator, Carcinonemertes, on its host crab, Callinectes arcuatus (Decapoda, Portunidae) from Golfo de Nicoya, Pacific Costa Rica. ZooKeys 457: 367-375.

Mohn, W.C., R.C. Stevens, R.K. Okazaki, A. Ashley & B.M. Chung. 2011. Caenorhabditis elegans as a developmental model of intestinal peptide and amino acid transport. Gastroenterology. 140: 63108-63109.

Wang, S-F., S-C. Sun & R.K. Okazaki. 2010. Comparative study on thermotolerance of Artemia resting eggs from Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, China. Aquaculture 307: 141-149.

Okazaki, R.K. & J.M. Turbeville (eds). 2006. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Nemertean Biology. Journal of Natural History 40:1-1046.

Okazaki, R.K., M.A. Gillins, B.J. Duerden, C. Hodges & N.R. Record. 2006. Osmotic induction of stress proteins in nemerteans. Journal of Natural History 40: 1035-1046.

Church, D.R. & R.K. Okazaki. 2002. Seasonal variation of plasma testosterone titres in male red-backed salamanders (Plethodon cinereus). Amphibia-Reptilia 23: 93-97.

Okazaki, R.K., W. Ye, N.J. Berthélémy -Okazaki & E.S. Chang. 2001. Preliminary study of heat shock proteins in nemerteans. Hydrobiologia 456: 211-219.

Okazaki, R.K., M.J. Snyder, C.C. Grimm & E.S. Chang. 1998. Ecdysteroids in nemerteans: Further characterization and identification. Hydrobiologia 365: 281-285.

Berthélémy-Okazaki, N.J. & R.K. Okazaki. 1997. Population genetics of the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus from the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. Gulf of Mexico Science 1: 35-39.

Okazaki, R.K. & J.A. Freeman. 1993. Cell growth and cuticle expansion in eyestalk-ablated grass shrimp Palaemonetes pugio Holthuis. Journal of Crustacean Biology 13: 125-133.

Snyder, M.J., R.K. Okazaki & E.S. Chang. 1992. Nemertean ecdysteroids: Relationship to reproduction. Invertebrate Reproduction & Development 21: 7-13.

Okazaki, R.K. & E.S. Chang. 1991. Ecdysteroids in the embryos and sera of the crabs, Cancer magister and C. anthonyi. General & Comparative Endocrinology 81: 174-186.

Shields, J.D., R.K. Okazaki, and A.M. Kuris. 1991. Fecundity and the reproductive potential of the yellow rock crab, Cancer anthonyi. Fishery Bulletin 89: 299-305.

Shields, J.D., R.K. Okazaki, and A.M. Kuris. 1990. Brood mortality and egg predation by the nemertean, Carcinonemertes epialti, on the yellow rock crab, Cancer anthonyi in Southern California. Canadian Journal of Fishery & Aquatic Sciences 47: 1275-1281.

Okazaki, R.K., M.J. Snyder, and E.S. Chang. 1988. Ecdysteroids in nemerteans: Presence and physiological role. Hydrobiologia. 156: 153-160.

Okazaki, R.K. 1986. Aspects of feeding behavior of nemertean Carcinonemertes errans, an egg predator of the Dungeness crab Cancer magister. Pp. 171-181. In: Vivares, C.P., J.-R. Bonami, E.. Jaspers (eds.). Pathology in Marine Aquaculture. European Aquaculture. Society Special Publication 9, Bredene, Belgium.

Okazaki, R.K. and M.H. Panietz. 1981. Depuration of twelve trace metals in tissues of the oysters Crassostrea gigas and C. virginica. Marine Biology 63: 113-120.

Ruddell, C.L., T. Dunlap, R.K. Okazaki & R. Munn. 1978. The effect of selected basic dyes on the blood cells, in particular, the basophils, of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 31: 313-323

Okazaki, R.K. 1976. Copper toxicity in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology 16: 658-664.


Technical Reports


Cooper, R.C., L. Hunter, P.C. Ulrichs & R. Okazaki. 1981. Environmental quality research-fate of toxic jet fuel components in aquatic systems. AFAMRL-TR-81-101, Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH. 58 pp.

Risebrough, R.W., J.W. Chapman, R.K. Okazaki & T.T. Schmidt. 1977. Toxicants in San Francisco Bay and estuary. The Association of Bay Area Governments. Berkeley, CA. 113 pp.

De Lappe, B.W., R.W. Risebrough, J.R. Clayton, P.L. Millikin, R.K. Okazaki, J.S. Parkin & J.R. Payne. 1977. Development of methodologies for the in situ extraction of petroleum compounds from sea water. Science Applications, Inc., La Jolla, CA.

Payne, J.R., J.R. Clayton Jr., B.W. de Lappe, P.L. Millikin, J.S. Parkin, R.K. Okazaki, E.F. Letterman & R.W. Risebrough. 1976. Hydrocarbons in the water column. Vol. III, Report 3.2.3 In: Draft Final Report, Southern California Baseline Study. Bureau of Land Management, Wash. D.C. Science Applic., Inc., La Jolla, CA.

Payne, J.R., J.R. Clayton Jr., B.W. de Lappe, P.L. Millikin, J.S. Parkin, R.K. Okazaki, E.F Letterman & R.W. Risebrough. 1976. Petroleum hydrocarbon studies of fauna and flora from the southern California Bight. Vol. III, Report 3.4 In: Draft Final Report, Southern California Baseline Study. Bureau of Land Management, Wash. D.C. Science Applic., Inc., La Jolla, CA.

Anderlini, V.C., J.W. Chapman, A.S. Newton, R.W. Risebrough, B.E. Cole, D.C. Girvin, A.T. Hodgson, B.W. de Lappe, S.J. McCormick, L. Nelbach, R.K. Okazaki, M.H. Panietz & T.T. Schmidt. 1976. Pollutant availability study. Appendix I. In: Dredge Disposal Study, San Francisco Bay and Estuary. U.S. Army Engineer District, San Francisco, Corps of Engineers. 305 pp.