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Papers and Posters Presented


Okazaki, R.K. & H. Kajihara. 2023 91¶ÌÊÓƵ. Proseriatan turbellarians in the egg mass of the commerically important Horsehair crab, Erimacrus isenbeckii, from Hokkaido, Japan. XV International Symposium on Flatworm Biology. Centro de Biologia Marinha, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Sebastio SP, Brazil.

Ashfaq, A., A. G. Malan, R. DuBose, R. Stevens, L. Palmere, R. Okazaki & B. Chung. 2018. Examination of Invertebrate Tachykinin Receptor genes. 9th International Meeting on Nemertean Biology. Sylt, Germany.

DuBose, R., A. Ashfaq, A. Malan, Okazaki, R.K. & Chung 2018. Histologic Analysis of Nemertean Osmotic Stress. 9th International Meeting on Nemertean Biology. Sylt, Germany.

Malan, A., Ashfaq, R. DuBose, S. Naveed, K. Peterson, L. Palmere, N. Amlaw, R. Okazaki & B. Chung. 2018. Role of Ca++ and cAMP on Nemertean Heat Shock Gene Expression Following Environmental Stress. 9th International Meeting on Nemertean Biology. Sylt, Germany.

Okazaki, R.K., J.F. Mull & J.C. Marshall. 2015. Views of Evolution and Intelligent Design Among University Students in Utah. Brazilian Evolution Meetings. Guarujá, São Paulo Brazil.

Chung, B.M., R.C. Stevens, C.L. Thomas, L.N. Palmere & R.K. Okazaki. 2014. Preliminary report of a neurokinin-like receptor gene sequence for the nemertean Paranemertes sp. 8th International Meeting on Nemertean Biology. Qingdao, China.

Okazaki, R.K. & I.S. Wehrtmann. 2013. Preliminary Survey of a Nemertean Crab Egg Predator, Carcinonemertes, on Its Host Crab, Callinectes arcuatus (Decapoda, Portunidae) from Golfo de Nicoya, Pacific Costa Rica. The Crustacean Society Mid-Summer Meetings, San Jose, Costa Rica.

Okazaki, R.K. & N.J. Berthélémy-Okazaki. 2009. Preliminary Molecular Study on Induction of Stress Proteins in Nemerteans. 7th International Meeting on Nemertean Biology Santa Barbara, CA

Leme, M-H. A. & R.K. Okazaki. 2007. Nematode Infestation in the Visceral Mass of the Mangrove Crab, Sesarma rectum from Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brazil. The Crustacean Society Mid-Year Meetings. La Serena, Chile.

Okazaki, R.K., M.A. Gillins, B.J. Duerden, C. Hodges & N.R. Record. 2004. Stress Proteins in Ribbon Worms (Phylum: Nemertea) During Exposure to Varying Salinities. 6th International Meeting on Nemertean Biology Ogden, UT

Okazaki, R.K., Wenbo Y., N.J. Berthélémy -Okazaki & E.S. Chang. 2000. Preliminary Study of Heat Shock Proteins in Nemerteans. 5th International Meeting on Nemertean Biology Alcala de Henares, Spain.

Okazaki, R.K., M.J. Snyder, C.C. Grimm & E.S. Chang. 1995. Ecdysteroids in Nemerteans: Further Characterization and Identification. 4th International Meeting on Nemertean Biology Pacific Grove, CA

Heslin, L. & R.K. Okazaki. 1994. Cadmium, Chromium, and Lead Accumulation in the Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus The Crustacean Society Second Summer Meeting Walpole, ME

Berthélémy-Okazaki, N.J. & R.K. Okazaki. 1992. Population Genetics of the Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus, From Northern Gulf of Mexico Gulf of Mexico Symposium Tarpon Springs, FL; December, 1992 Tarpon Springs, FL

Okazaki, R.K. 1991. The Relationship of Ecdysteroids to Nemertean Reproduction. Southeast Regional Conference in Comparative Endocrinology Tulane University; New Orleans, LA

Snyder, M.J., R.K. Okazaki & E.S. Chang. 1991. Nemertean Ecdysteroids: Relationship to Reproduction. 3rd International Meeting on Nemertean Biology Bangor, Wales

Okazaki, R.K. & J.A. Freeman. 1989. Cell Growth and Cuticle Expansion in Eyestalk-Ablated Palaemonetes. Crustacea Poster Session: American Society of Zoologists Meetings Boston, MA

Okazaki, R.K. & E.S. Chang. 1988. Ecdysteroids in the Embryos and Sera of Crabs, Cancer magister and C. anthonyi. Comparative Endocrinology: American Society of Zoologists Meetings San Francisco, CA

Okazaki, R.K., M.J. Snyder, and E.S. Chang.1986. Ecdysteroids in Nemerteans: Presence and Physiological Role. 2nd International Meeting on Nemertean Biology Tjarno Marine Biological Laboratory, Sweden

Okazaki, R.K. 1984. Aspects of Feeding Behavior of Carcinonemertes errans. (Nemertea), An Egg Predator of the Dungeness Crab, Cancer magister. Pathology in Marine Aquaculture Montpellier, France

Okazaki, R.K. & A.M. Kuris. 1983. Egg Predation Effects of Nemertean Carcinonemertes on Distribution of Egg Mortality in the Broods of Two Cancrid Crabs. 1st International Meeting on Nemertean Biology Philadelphia, PA