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Previously Taught by Dr. Robert K. Okazaki

Zoology 1010 Animal Biology

A non-major’s introduction to cell biology, genetics, evolution, ecology, and animal diversity with emphasis on diversity of animal architecture and life strategies in relation to the diverse environments of Earth. The overriding theme is the process of evolution, its basis, and its implications for all animals, including humans.

Zoology 1020 Human Biology

Survey course for non-science majors. Course content includes basic structure and function of the human body, homeostasis, heredity, human evolution, and ecology. Implications for personal health, bioethical and environmental issues and the impact of each of these on society will be examined.

Zoology 1110 Principles of Zoology I

A science major’s introduction to the study of cell biology, genetics, inheritance, evolution, and ecology. The nature and practice of science is also emphasized and basic skills in data collection, analysis, and presentation are introduced.

Zoology 1120 Principles of Zoology II

A major’s introduction to cellular processes and the diversity and comparative biology of vertebrate animals.

Zoology 3600 Comparative Physiology

A comparative and evolutionary approach to the study of the way animals function in a variety of environments.

Zoology 3720 Evolution

The patterns and processes involved in changes in natural populations.

Zoology 4220 Endocrinology

The comparative study of the function of the cells, tissues, glands, and organs that secrete hormones and how these hormones affect the physiology of organisms, from invertebrates to vertebrates.

Zoology 4500 Parasitology

Survey of representative external and internal parasites of humans, domestic animals, and wildlife. Emphasis is on their ecology and epidemiology.