Welcome to the College of Engineering, Applied Science & Technology

dean ferro

In 2013, students returned from Ghana where they had worked with Dr. Richard Fry, from Computer Science, to build a computerized patient system for a teaching hospital.  As I listened to them describe their trip I was struck by their faces, they were practically glowing, their voices were charged with emotion.  I thought, this is what engineering is about: learning skills, building cool things, helping people, and making a difference.  Oh yeah, and having fun doing it! 
To engineer is human.  That might seem like a very broad statement.  However, consider all the things you have built, created, organized, managed, and modified in your life.  Perhaps, you actually have built a robot or soap box racer, programmed a game, fixed a car or created an awesome science and engineering fair project.  But, let's say you haven't done any of those things.  Have you ever followed or modified instructions while cooking, navigated in an unusual place - whether real or in a game, or put together a costume or diorama for school from things you found around the house?
The College of Applied Engineering, Science & Technology (EAST) could easily become your home. For those who have already coded and engineered, we have the rigor and resources to offer you an excellent education.  We have new facilities and small classes.  We also do all of this as one of the 20 most affordable universities in the nation.  We can offer you a great return on your tuition dollars.  For those who have not, chances are that if you answered positively to any of the questions above, your first thought wasn't "That was boring."  You might even have felt like you were improving the world just a bit.  I mean, most people like cake, right?  No matter what your level of preparation coming into our programs, we will work hard to assist you and assure your success.  At EAST, we are more interested in what you do here and in the future, less about what you did before you got here.
Engineers make a difference.  Are you concerned about national defense, the state of the environment, the safety of cars, the aesthetics of our created world?  When it comes to solutions, it is engineering that comes to the fore.  Engineers are optimistic.  They see problems as an opportunity.
Engineering is financially rewarding as well.  The reality is that the best salaries and job opportunities available world-wide are in the engineering, computing, and technology fields. 
There is so much variety available in Engineering.  Anything you see in the world built by humans had engineers involved.  Do you like sports?  Any guess as to who did all that work to create the equipment?  We offer a wide variety of technology-related educational opportunities no matter what your interests.  All programs provide hands-on, career-oriented, and project-intensive coursework. 
Whether you're looking to start your career, for a fast track to a new career, or you'd like to build on knowledge you already have, EAST can help you reach your goals.  We provide a student-focused education with:

  • One of the most affordable engineering and technology colleges in the United States
  • Excellent placement rates in careers with high starting salaries
  • Wide variety of programs
  • Awesome projects working with non-profits and industry
  • Multiple delivery methods: Classroom, online, correspondence
  • Convenient locations: Ogden, Davis County, Salt Lake
  • Two- and four-year degrees in all programs
  • Day and evening classes to fit with your schedule

 Join us for fun, for profit, and for a chance to make a real difference in the world.  You will be glad you did.

 --Dean David Ferro