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Global Contemporary Fiction



This reading schedule (as well as the section titles) is meant to be suggestive only. Take a plunge when you sign up for your talks/seminar facilitation, and please clarify the focus of your presentation with me in advance. I will then also direct you (after you have done your own search) to additional specific sources, if necessary. All essay materials listed below are available online or on ereserve. Remember, your WRP are due at the beginning of each class! As always, please avail yourselves of CAL PAL, the Contemporary American Literature Pal, as a companion website to this course.

Week 1–2

Introduction: What is postmodern/contemporary/global American literature? How many are there?

  • By Way of a Proposition: Way Chee Dimock, "Literature for the Planet," PMLA  116 (1) 2001: 173-188
  • , U.S. State Department
  • "?" (NYT,  1 July 2014)
Week 3–4

Of Mice and Men: Transitioning and Spying For World Peace

  • Ha Jin,  A Map of Betrayal
  • Arlif Dirlik, "."
  • Ha Jin, , Paris Review
  • Ha, Jin. "Exiled to English." In Sinophone Studies: A Critical Reader, edited by Shu-mei Shih, Chien-hsin Tsai and Brian Bernards, 117-124. New York: Columbia University Press, 2013.
  • Michael Wutz , "," Weber, 31. vol. 2, Spring/Summer 2015, 4-16.
  • Betrayal I _________________________________
  • Betrayal II ________________________________
  • Of Topical Interest:
    • Ian Buruma, (NYT, 1 Sept 2016)
    • Michiko Kakutani, (NYT, 1 Sept 2016)
Week 5–6

Radicalism Abroad & Nation Building: Naxalism, Ecology, and the Burden of Migration

  • Jhumpa Lahiri, The Lowland
  • Hurst Artist in Residence, Fall 2016, Cristina (27 Sept 2016), 5:30-7:30 TBA
  • , including interviews and Readers' Guide
  • ,,
  • Dipesh Chakrabarty, "The Climate of History: Four Theses," New Literary History 35, 2 (2009): 197-222.
  • Postcolonial Studies and the Challenge of Climate Change," New Literary History 43, 1 (2012): 1-18.
  • Reviews of ,,,
  • Michael Pollan, "," The New Yorker, 23 Dec 2013
  • Reviews of,(February 2015)
  • The Lowland- Focus Questions
  • Mira Nair, (2007, film screening, time permitting)
  • Lowland I ________________________________
  • Lowland II ________________________________
  • Of Topical Interest:
*** Week 8, Notebook (2) due***
Week 7–9

Radicalism at Home & Nation Building: Weather Underground and the Burden of History

Week 10–11

Fluid Capital - Fluid Borders? American Literature with Enormous Wings

  • Of Topical Interest:
Week 12–13

Historical Caesura and the American Trauma

  • Don DeLillo, Falling Man
  • ,
  • Jim Junod,  "The Falling Man," Esquire, 9/2003
  • Ann Keniston and Jeanne Follansbee Quinn, Ed., (selections TBA)
  • Man I ___________________________
  • Man II __________________________
  • Of Topical Interest:
    • Ha Jin, (2016)
    • ,
Week 14–15

Literature, Genetics, Cognition, and Everything Else

  • Richard Powers, Generosity and select essays/interviews in CALPAL
  • ,
  • Marco Roth, " n+1, 8, Fall 2009
  • James Wood, ", "The New Yorker, 5 Oct 2009
  • Joseph Carroll, "Biology and Poststructuralism"
  • Joseph Caroll, "The Deep Structure of Literary Representations"
  • Andrew Niccol, Gattaca, or Gilles Pontecorvo, The Battle of Algiers (TBA, time permitting)
  • Richard Powers, NYT, 7 Jan 08
  • Generosity I ___________________________
  • Generosity II __________________________
  • Of Topical Interest:
*** Essay hard copy due date: Tue, 6 December 2016 ***
Please consult the Editing Checklist in the Toolbox for essential pointers regarding your essay

Concluding Note


The only dumb question is the one you don't ask. My door is always open, and if it is not open, please knock; I will answer if I am there. Please don't hesitate to stop by.

Let's Connect!

mwutz@weber.eduPhone  801-626-7011
Skype  michaelwutz007

LebenslaufCurriculum Vitae
Weber – The Contemporary West

Mailing Address


Michael Wutz, Brady Presidential Distinguished Professor
Editor, Weber - The Contemporary West
Department of English, 1404 University Circle
Ogden, UT 84404-1404 USA