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Weber State HOSA Student Experiences

August 17th, 2022
Students who participated in the 2022 HOSA International Leadership Conference

From left to right: Joseph Waite, Paige Dawson, Jayden Jones, Kennedy Lewis, Maren Dawson, Catharina Wooden, and Carsen Weyland

Future Health Professionals (HOSA) is an international student-led organization that helps prepare students for healthcare careers. With service, leadership, competition, networking, and travel opportunities, there is something for everyone. !

The best part is that our chapter pays for your membership fees!

Below read the experiences of those members who attended the 2022 HOSA International Leadership Conference (ILC). We are proud of each of them, their amazing individual accomplishments as well as winning First Place HOSA Bowl as a team!

Maren Dawson

My HOSA experience began in Fall of 2016 when my high school teacher encouraged me to get involved. Since then, I have had an experience of a lifetime, competing, traveling, networking, and learning leadership skills with members across the world. In Fall of 2019, I continued these experiences by starting the HOSA Chapter at Weber State. In the last three years, I have seen this chapter grow from 5 members and 1 International Competitor to 54 members, having 6 International Medalists. This year’s ILC was unforgettable, and a reminder that student leaders can make an impact in the lives of others. 

Jayden Jones

My experience at the HOSA International Leadership Conference was a great one!  I was able to spend a week with friends and go to a conference and participate in a competition that was aimed at people interested in the same field of work as I am.  It was really fun to go witness everyone there who wanted to go into a healthcare profession competing for placement based off of their knowledge/skills in the applicable fields/professions.  I am grateful to the College of Science for their part in funding our trip and making it possible for us to compete. 

Paige Dawson

I didn’t know what being a part of HOSA would mean to me when I first joined the chapter at Weber State, but I can now firmly and confidently say that it has meant the world to me. HOSA has become an integral part of my Wildcat Journey. I am proud to be a part of the Weber State HOSA chapter and humbled that I get to be alongside some of the greatest people as we grow professionally and personally together in one of the greatest, life-changing student organizations ever.

Kennedy Lewis 

HOSA ILC in Nashville was an experience I’ll never forget. I am currently applying to medical school and this experience helped me prepare and connect with different future health professionals. Being on HOSA bowl was amazing because it helped strengthen my teamwork skills and helped expand my knowledge in areas that I’ve never had experience in before. There were so many team building activities and I loved every minute of getting to know my HOSA teammates better.

Carsen Weyland

2022 HOSA ILC in Nashville TN was such a great experience. After our team took home 14 medals at state, we were offered the opportunity to go to ILC and we knew we had to go. Not only did we go, we dominated! Personally I took 3rd place in Medical Math and we had a total of 5 other medals come home with us. On top of the conference, I got to spend a week hanging out with my buddies in the 100 degree heat and 50% humidity. I got to explore Nashville, local restaurants, attractions, and we got to celebrate Catharina’s birthday with some live music and good food on Main Street. All in all, one of the best trips I have ever been on. 

Joseph Waite

HOSA ILC was a special experience. I never got to do it in high school as I don't think my school had a charter there, so the opportunity to participate in college was awesome! I feel good knowing that Weber State was represented internationally as competitors in this event and my hope is that this representation will bring more students to Weber State HOSA to compete!

Catharina Wooden

Going to HOSA ILC was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I’ve been involved with HOSA for 5 years and competing at ILC this year is one of my top memories I’ve made as a member. Being able to see students from all over the world at the conference who were interested in going into healthcare was truly inspiring. However, I have to say that competing with my amazing team and winning 1st place at an international competition, as well as creating memories and having the most amazing experiences with everyone who went, was the best way to represent Weber State and its talented students.


From left to right: Jayden Jones, Catharina Wooden, Carsen Weyland, Paige Dawson, Joseph Waite, Kennedy Lewis, Maren Dawson

From left to right: Catharina Wooden, Jayden Jones, Kennedy Lewis, and Paige Dawson

Carsen Weyland and Joseph Watie