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Cheers for Peers

November 15th, 2021
Gratitude shared across colleagues in the College of Science.  

Adam Johnston

"Thanks for offering your time and expertise to shine on camera! Your efforts to showcase the college on television are not for the faint of heart! Thank you and HIGH FIVE!"
Ali Miller

Ali Miller

"Thanks for pulling together welcome schwag at short notice for our GETUP summer program students! It made them feel so welcome and valued."
Carie Frantz

"Amazingly designs beautiful and useful items to support all the great things going on at 91短视频. I've seen her planning lists and they are overflowing with tasks she needs to do, yet she is never flustered. She is always smiling and makes every new challenge look easy and FUN!"
Monica Linford

Amanda Gentry

"Makes such an awesome addition to our events in CoS Advising. She brings fun activities to Weber Welcome, Block Party, and Open House Events (to name a few). If we need activities, Amanda is on it! We won an award at the Block Party for "best giveaway" this was mostly due to Amanda's contribution. Amanda brings Science to Ogden in fun and engaging ways."
Monica Linford

"Thanks for pulling together welcome schwag at short notice for our GETUP summer program students! It made them feel so welcome and valued."
Carie Frantz


Amber Hansen

"Serves as the Pathways course lead while continually training new faculty to teach Math 1035.
Thank you."
Kathy Van Wagoner

Andrea Easter-Pilcher

"You do so much to bring the COS to the forefront of 91短视频. Thank you for being essential in the growth of our college and I look forward to seeing how else you help us lead the field!"
Heather O'Donnell

Cheers for offering your time and expertise to shine on camera! Your efforts to show our community what the college provides on-screen are not for the faint of heart, and are fantastic! HIGH FIVE!"
Ali Miller


Anna Cich

"You're a hero. Thanks for working through all of the stipend and other issues we had this summer. You really got hit with a lot right off the bat, and I appreciate the hard work and doggedness, and your compassion for our students.
We're so lucky to have you!"
Carie Frantz

"You can tell she really cares about her EES students and goes above & beyond to help. She is a great addition to the COS family and we are so lucky to have her!"
Heather O'Donnell


Barb Trask

"You have handled all the remodeling of LL and upkeep of TY this year like a champ! I don't know how you manage to do all you do, but I know COS is in great hands!"
Heather O'Donnell

"Thanks for your responsiveness and quick help when I was locked out this summer! I don't know how you got stuck as the czar of the labyrinth that is all of the prox card access levels and stuff, but you've saved me and students many times. Thanks for that and everything else you do to keep this place running!"
Carie Frantz


Brenda Acor

"Provides significant, dedicated service to the developmental mathematics department as a course lead and coordinating our course schedule. Extra thanks for managing continued changes in course offerings and enrollments."
Kathy Van Wagoner

Thank you for the Additional Help videos you made for us to share, and thank you for coordinating the MyLabs/VitalSource too!"
Cristine Jennings

Bridget Hilbig

"Holding up rigor while being accommodating to students."
Kat Scramm

Carrie Quesnell

"Led us through the technology changes demanded by the transitioning to online teaching and testing due to COVID and manage the continuing changes as we have returned to campus. Her expertise and attention to detail are crucial to our making smooth transitions. Developmental Math has benefitted from Carrie's service as a course lead for over 12 years."
Kathy Van Wagoner

"You answer so many questions for so many people, and you are very perceptive in understanding what is the actual question."
Cristine Jennings


Charity Jones

"Provided exceptional service as the course lead for an evolving Intermediate Algebra course. She has written new lessons, created custom digital homework problems, and adapted the course to many significant changes providing support for on-campus and concurrent enrollment courses."
Kathy Van Wagoner

Christopher Dunn

"Provides exceptional support to the concurrent enrollment Intermediate Algebra course very carefully creating exams that meet department standards."
Kathy Van Wagoner

Colin Inglefield

"An outstanding leader of the Physics Department. He models integrity, supports faculty, and makes sure that our focus is first and foremost on student learning. It’s not an exaggeration to say that every success and accolade in our dept has been influenced by Colin."
Adam Johnston

Colleen Boam

"Keeps the Chemistry department teaching labs going by coordinating personnel and supplies. Keeps the Science Stores properly functioning by helping with the purchasing of supplies, making sales (she has improved the process), and keeping the books. These functions are not her responsibility, yet she cheerfully and competently steps up every day to do what needs to be done. Lastly, her demeanor and kindness to all during all times (including stressful ones) are inspiring."
Michelle Paustenbaugh

"One of the most helpful people I know. Anytime I have a question, she is willing to answer. She is also very nice and caring. She always has something nice or a thoughtful question. Colleen is awesome!"
Megan Nelson


Corinne Bigler

"HIGH FIVE for a job well done with the open house!"
Ali Miller

"Corinne is great for planning events and keeping the office on track. She is very good at collaborating online. Where I might be taking notes in my little notebook, Corinne already has a shared doc opened with bulleted task lists and individual responsibilities. These docs are so helpful in recalling our duties from one commitment to the next. I am grateful she keeps CoS current."
Monica Linford

Daniel Clark

"An indefatigable research mentor. He often mentors more students per semester than the rest of the department combined."
Matthew Crook

Debi Larson

"So patient with me as I am learning all the fun things she use to do. She is always there when I have questions, even if it's questions I have asked a million times already. Love that she always has a smile."
June Thomas

Debi McKee

"Provides above and beyond service to the dev math department as a course lead. Her dedication to student success contributes to the greatness of 91短视频 and the College of Science."
Kathy Van Wagoner

"You are the BEST morale booster for students and co-workers!"
Cristine Jennings

Demetrios Pagonis

"Your airflow testing in our offices & labs has been a big comfort in this COVID world, thanks for doing it! And a high five for all of your curriculum development work and involvement with the Environmental Science program. You've really hit the ground running."
Carie Frantz

Donna Wollman

"Donna puts her all into the COS. She's an integral part of our office and college and we are beyond lucky to have her! No matter what the situation, she has an answer for it all and can always be relied on."
Heather O'Donnell

"So much fun! She makes me laugh with her funny little quips and jokes. The amazing thing about Donna is amid the fun she has created unity among the admins. She makes us all feel needed, appreciated & special."
Shawnette Horton

Elizabeth Sandquist

"Thanks for coming in on a summer morning when I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong with the Confocal. It ended up being a key instrument that the summer students used for their research projects and we got some stunning images. You saved us!"
Carie Frantz

Ezgi Yesilyurt

"Shout out to Ezgi Yesilyurt for starting a tenure-track job during a pandemic."
Jon Marshall

Heather O'Donnell

"She is always willing to help with any job, large or small, and does so with a positive attitude. Heather is creative, dedicated, and brings a lot of energy to our office. Without her, my job would be so much harder!"
Donna Wollman

"I love Heather's smile! Each time I see her, she is smiling and so happy. She is a joy to work with and be around."
Shawnette Horton


Jim Cohen

"There were 6 new TT faculty that joined the CoS in Fall 2020. Despite COVID-19 and not being able to meet in person, Jim organized all of us with virtual check-in meetings so we became a supportive cohort instead of navigating our first year alone. Thanks, Jim!"
Katrina Twing

John Armstrong

"Thanks for offering your time and expertise to shine on camera! Your efforts to showcase the college on television are not for the faint of heart! Thank you and HIGH FIVE!"
Ali Miller

Julian Chan

"Shout out to Julian Chan for finally, as he puts it, 'sealing the deal.'"
Jon Marshall

June Thomas

"June has a very positive attitude and is very friendly. And she came back the second day of the first week of the semester!"
Mary Owen

Kassidy Symonds

"Thank you for your exceptional service as a Prealgebra course lead."
Kathy Van Wagoner

"My 1035 students tell me you helped them see how math is used in everyday life and helped them build confidence."
Cristine Jennings

Kathy Van Wagoner

"Such a great department chair. She is so supportive and truly cares about the employees in our dept.
We are lucky to have her!"
Amber Hansen

"An amazing person to work with. She is so passionate about making the program successful, approachable to students, and shaking off the negative stigma of the past. She is incredible at utilizing her team’s strengths and helping them improve any weaknesses."
Shawnette Horton

Katie Nelson

"Despite having to work exclusively from home while dealing with significant health challenges, all during a pandemic, Katie has never missed a beat! She has kept everything running smoothly with her usual efficiency and professionalism... Cheers to Katie!"
Karen Mann

"Katie, you are incredible for keeping your department running while working from home, being a mom, and addressing your health. We are so lucky to have you as part of the COS admin team."
Katie Byrd


Katrina Marriott

"Katrina's combination of knowledge, skills, and talents provides an incredible service for dev math students."
Kathy Van Wagoner

"She has cultivated great relationships across campus and is always going above and beyond; whether it is going to orientations, visiting off-campus sites, sitting on multiple committees, or handing out candy at the Block Party! ...But beyond just knowing her job, Katrina is a wonderful person and a pleasure to work with."
Shawnette Horton


Leigh Komperda

"You've already been incredibly helpful in keeping our instruments online and available to all of us and our students. My summer students regularly talk about how you're the coolest person they've ever met."
Carie Frantz

Lorraine Gale

"A great friend to developmental math. Her service as CE coordinator was exceptional. We are looking forward to our collaborations on Math 1035. Thank you."
Kathy Van Wagoner

Marek Matyjasik

"Thanks for leading our department through this wacky COVID-19 world and all of the other challenges we've had in the past year with humor, compassion, and your trademark positive attitude."
Carie Frantz

Mary Owen

"Such a calming personality and I love being in her presence. She's knowledgeable, professional, and never has an unkind word to say. I strive to be more like her ."
Debi Larson

Megan Nelson

"You are always so helpful and willing to share your knowledge. You are fun and happy when we talk, I always come away uplifted. It is wonderful to work with you."
Colleen Boam

Michelle Paustenbaugh

"Such a positive attitude! She's so upbeat and willing to take on additional tasks graciously.
She is a pleasure to be around!"
Heather O'Donnell

Monica Linford

"HIGH FIVE for a job well done with the open house and offering your time and expertise to shine on camera! I'm excited to keep working together on our upcoming events."
Ali Miller

Ron Meyers

"Shout out to Ron Meyers for taking over the reins of the zoology department right before a global pandemic."
Jon Marshall

Shawnette Horton

"You are amazing!
Consistently prepared, organized, professional, and kind"
Cristine J.

"Particular thanks to her for holding down the fort at the beginning of this semester."
Kathy Van Wagoner

Sonya Welsh

"Super lab manager of the century"
Kat Schramm