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Finding Love in General Chemistry

February 14, 2019
by Kenidee Crittenden, Chemistry Major, and 
Kade Crittenden,
 Biochemistry Major and 2018-2019 Science Senator 

Kenidee's Love Lens

In college, we’re all so busy that I think it’s sometimes hard to see where school ends and your personal life begins. In my case, they’re literally one and the same. My partner Kade and I met in a general chemistry class our freshman year, and three years later  - I still spend most mornings sitting next to him in a lecture and most afternoons in a lab as his lab partner.

Let’s get real: STEM majors are hard, but it makes it a little easier when the most important person in your life understands like no one else can why you care so much about your goals. Once, I read a caption on Instagram that said it’s good to be loved, but it’s profound to be understood. That hit me hard because I don’t know another human that will listen as intently as Kade when I come home ranting about how cool organic chemistry is, or how intricate neurons are. It’s nice when your biggest support system at home also is your biggest support system in the classroom.

Don’t get me wrong, it definitely makes it harder sometimes. Sometimes we forget that spending Friday evening in the library does not count as a date or I realize every dish we own is dirty, because, between both of our busy schedules, no one has been home long enough to do the dishes. I think one of the hardest things is to curb the inevitable sense of competition between the two of us. It’s difficult sometimes to remember that we’re not competing against each other and that we should be happy with each other’s success just as much as our own. But it’s hard not to laugh when the biggest fight we’ve had to date is over the correct answer on a test, or to smile thinking about how great graduating with my best friend is going to be next spring.


The atmosphere at Weber State has been the best environment possible for us to grow as individual students, and as a couple. The opportunities it has provided for us have been endless, and if it weren’t for Weber State, I wouldn’t be in the career path or in the relationship that I’m in today. 


Kade's Love Lens

It is commonly said of a couple sharing something special with each other that they have "good chemistry." This phrase is taken quite literally when it comes to describing my relationship with my beautiful partner Kenidee. We not only have chemistry when it comes to romance, but we actually have taken chemistry together.

I'm quite glad to be married to someone who is not only sexy but also extremely smart. We first met in General Chemistry here at 91短视频. Since then we have shared many experiences in other science and non-science courses, including additional chemistry courses. We enjoy taking classes, studying for tests and building friendships together on campus. We especially love the conversations we find ourselves in with our professors about how each other is doing. Yep, our professors know us both and know we are married.

Because we experience all of this together we learn from each other and discuss many scholastic topics for hours on end. I often say to myself,...Okay Kade, If Kenidee is getting A's you'd better start working harder to get up to her level. We fight most often about who's got the right idea or getting the correct answers on homework assignments and tests. The life of a STEM major is very difficult at times. It requires a lot of hard work and dedication. But the reward of learning such spectacular scientific theories and practices and on top of that accomplishing our goals far outweigh the difficulties. Being a couple in STEM doubles all of the work and rewards.

Kenidee and I have decided that in our lives anything will be possible for BOTH of us. We couldn't be happier with our experiences together at Weber State. I am glad that I chose  Weber Science to gain my education because it came with so much more than a great education. 




We hope everyone’s semester is great! 

Join Kade and Kenidee at the Weber Science House Party on Friday, February 15th!


Let's Connect!



Office hours

Monday - Thursday:
6:30 a.m. - 11 p.m.
Friday: 6:30 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Saturday: 6:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.                  Sunday: Closed

Holidays & Breaks                         Hours may vary

Mailing address

College of Science
1415 Edvalson St., Dept. 2501
Ogden, UT 84408-2501

Building location

Tracy Hall Science Center (TY)

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