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Great Salt Lake Ecosystem Program 

Finding growth in the challenges.

October 24th, 2022
by Elizabeth Thurgood, junior, majoring in environmental science

-Elizabeth with White Faced Ibis-

Working in the Great Salt Lake Ecosystem Program has been a great learning and networking opportunity. I have learned so much about the working unit of an ecosystem through the 4 biologists, three managers of waterfowl management areas (WMA), three assistant managers and the other technicians with whom I worked.

I did not realize how important water is to the GSL ecosystem. From minimizing the dust, to providing the habitat for the brine shrimp, and to the shore birds that use the lake as a layover on long migrations paths, I have been able to take what I have learned in the classroom and apply it to working in the field. I have really put my critical thinking skills into action as I have been presented with challenges like operating equipment such as the skid steer, ATVs, marsh master, and the research vessel. Learning to work with others when situations are frustrating or stressful was also part of my education. 

I have also pushed myself out of my comfort zone. This is where I received most of my learning. I struggle with computer technology, learning how to run computer programs is hard but it is rewarding in the end. 


A bit of advice from one Weber Science student to another:

-Elizabeth with American Kestrel-

  • I encourage all students to get out of your comfort zone even just a little bit, that’s where growth can happen.
  • Network all that you can, that is where you may find future employers, friends, people who you can put on your resume and possibly a future career.
  • Work the hardest you can, employers and coworkers see and pay attention to actions and attitudes as you work.
  • Put in as many hours of volunteering and service that you can. That will also show those around you that you are dedicated and truly care.
  • Ask questions! Never be afraid to ask when you don’t understand or want to know something. Then you will start to build on what you are interested in.
  • Never give up, you can do anything you want even if you have to ask for a little bit of help, asking for help is never a bad thing.