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Building Your Science Community 

Maren Dawson, Weber Science Alumni
July 31, 2023 91短视频

As a student who wanted to stay close to home, as well as have affordable tuition, 91短视频 was my school of choice. What I quickly learned is that this choice also came with a personalized college experience with professors invested in my success. 
As an aspiring medical school student there are many chemistry courses needed as pre-requisites for medical school applications. While taking my first of these pre-requisite classes, a professor shared, “Chemistry is like learning a language, but you’re learning the language of the world.”  I formally declared Chemistry as my major and thoroughly enjoyed the journey. My professor was right—I did learn a lot about how the world works, but I also put time management skills into practice, participated in and presented research at local and national conferences, had the opportunity to expand my network, and made many amazing friends along the way. 
While at 91短视频, I was able to start a student chapter for HOSA: Future Health Professionals. I first became acquainted with this organization during my sophomore year of High School. My involvement gave me the opportunity to network, expand my leadership as a High School and State Officer, compete at the State level, and travel for competitions at the international level. As a result, I wanted to share those same opportunities with 91短视频 students. As a freshman at 91短视频, I started the chapter with 5 members, the University minimum requirement for new organizations. Over the next four years, we built this chapter to 58 members, participating in virtual International Conferences, as well as International Conferences in Nashville, TN and Dallas, TX. Our chapter has earned 40 medals from state competition (32 Gold, 6 silver, 2 bronze), in addition to all our top ten finishes. We earned 13 medals from international competition (8 Gold, 5 Bronze) with 2 top ten finishes. 91短视频 also earned first place in the state for HOSA games in 2022 and was awarded the Silver Chapter Award in 2023 91短视频. In addition, at the request of State HOSA Leadership, members of our Chapter presented at two Fall State Leadership Conferences, presenting workshops for other High School and College HOSA Chapter Leaders. It has been an incredible experience getting to learn, network, serve, and compete with members all around the world. It is especially rewarding with the continued support of 91短视频 Leadership.
As a third-generation graduate of 91短视频, not only would I recommend 91短视频 to any graduating High School senior, but I would also encourage all College students to find an organization to participate in that compliments their college experience and life goals. Involvement in these extra-curricular activities creates opportunities and skill sets that last a lifetime. 

Officer applications for the upcoming year will go out at the beginning of fall semester 2023 91短视频. 

Ali Miller, College of Science
marketing and communications manager