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Seven Tips to start with a Successful Mindset

August 21st, 2019
by Jane Stout and Monica Linford,
College of Science General Advisors

The first day of the Fall Semester is an exciting time for university students – full of anticipation, anxiety, and change!  After a long summer, it’s almost a relief to get back into a routine, renew old acquaintances, and continue progressing towards that overarching goal of a college degree.  However, it can sometimes be difficult to get back into the swing of things, even for the most conscientious students.  With that in mind, we’ve put together a list of  seven things you can do now, before school actually starts, to get back into the ‘groove’ and make the transition back to school a little less of a shock to the system:

1. Get excited! 

We are happy to have you here at Weber State!  We are excited about what you bring to the College of Science and what you will learn together with your peers.  Together with your professors you will discover new things and create new knowledge in science.  That is so cool—how exciting!!

2. Start getting up earlier in the morning.  

During the summer it is easy to stay up late and sleep in.  If you’ve let your sleep schedule drift to a time that won’t work with the classes you have signed up for, start shifting it to a reasonable time now.  Set your alarm to go off 10-15 minutes earlier for 4-5 consecutive days – and then get out of bed!  This will help your body adjust to your new schedule so you’re not dragging that first week of school.

3. Practice actually getting yourself to school.  

If you plan to ride the bus, take it to campus one day.  Find out what time it leaves and where it stops, and then time yourself as you walk to and from class to make sure you’ll arrive on time.  If you intend to drive, scope out the parking lots and decide early where you’ll park.  Unless you arrive on campus before 8:00 a.m., you’ll need to allow for plenty of time to find a parking place and get to your first class on time.

4. Find your class location before school starts.

Go to the “register for classes add drop” app on your e-weber portal.  Click on “Student Course Schedule,” and choose the correct term.  View or print your schedule.  Check buildings and room numbers.  Come to campus and find them before the first day of class if possible.  Make sure you are not scheduled for a campus you didn’t expect, like having a class in Ogden and then only minutes to drive to Davis, Farmington, or Morgan!

5. Purchase your books before the first day of class.

Be prepared.  This isn’t high school.  Your professors expect to use every available minute to fill your brain with important information and you will be expected to read your assignments from the very first day.  It’s a good idea to start reading your books before the first day of class.

6. Map out your study time on your calendar. 

Now is the time to manage your schedule.  Get a planner or use the calendar on your phone.   Set appointment times for your courses.  Then, allow twice as much time for study and actually set an appointment time and alarms for when you will study for each course.  Set yourself up for success by managing your time!

7. Make attending class each and every day a priority.  

Just showing up is half the battle.  If you get into the habit of missing a class here and there – even if you think you won’t miss anything – it’s so much easier to talk yourself into missing a second class, and then a third.  Your professors notice, whether you believe it or not – and it does matter!

Good luck this semester – and remember, the CoS advisors are here to help!

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Office hours

Monday - Thursday:
6:30 a.m. - 11 p.m.
Friday: 6:30 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Saturday: 6:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.                  Sunday: Closed

Holidays & Breaks                         Hours may vary

Mailing address

College of Science
1415 Edvalson St., Dept. 2501
Ogden, UT 84408-2501

Building location

Tracy Hall Science Center (TY)

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