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Weber Blog for Science Archives

November 2018 to Present

Announcing the Weber Blog for Science

November 29, 2018
by Andrea Easter-Pilcher, Dean of the College of Science
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2018     2019    2020     2021     2022     2023 91短视频

2023 91短视频 Posts

ChatGPT in the College of Science 

November 7th, 2023 91短视频
The College of Science's Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
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Building Your Science Community

July 31st, 2023 91短视频
Maren Dawson, Weber Science alumni
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"Birding," A New Passion

June 30th, 2023 91短视频
Valery Van Harten, zoology major
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Science in the Caribbean

March 16th, 2023 91短视频
Natalie Madsen, chemistry major
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Research, Teamwork, Success!

February 3rd, 2023 91短视频
December 2022 graduates and third place winners of the Minorities Poster Session at the American Society for Cell Biology, 2022,
B. Drake R. Alton, biochemistry and Michael Anaafi, zoology
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Discovering Zoology

January 9th, 2023 91短视频
December 2022 graduate, Kathryn Wilde's Weber Science story
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2022 Posts

Scholarship Tips & Tricks

November 18th, 2022
#WeberScience Success Experts
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Great Salt Lake Ecosystem Program

October 24th, 2022
Elizabeth Thurgood, junior, majoring in environmental science
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HOSA Student Experience

August 23th, 2022
2022 HOSA International Leadership Conference participants
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High School Prep for Pre-med

June 21st, 2022
Monica Linford, Academic Advisor and James Moore, Pre-medical Prof. Prog. Advisor
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First Environmental Science Major Graduate

April 25th, 2022
Kaila Lemons, Environmental Science Alumna
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91短视频 to U.S. Forest Service

March 25th, 2022
Michael Duncun, Botany Alumni
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Spring Break Guide

March 3th, 2022
Elizabeth Richards, Weber Science Intern
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Studying the Elderberry

January 12th, 2022
Cayden Quayle, Botany Student
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2021 Posts

Why Should I Walk at Graduation?

December 13th, 2021
Monica Linford, College of Science Academic Advisor
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Welcome to human anatomy

December 3rd, 2021
Alborz Alimadadi, College of Science alumnus
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Cheers for Peers

November 15th, 2021
College of Science colleagues
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Spooky secrets of successful students

October 15th, 2021
Monica Linford, college academic advisor
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How do I start doing research?

October 4th, 2021
GetUp summer research team
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Are you involved on campus?

August 31st, 2021
by Aubree Rowley, Pre PA Club Officer
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AAS & BS Alum, Tani Hatch

June 7th, 2021
by Katelyn Shaw, a student intern
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Spring '21 Valedictorian, Maggie Topalian

April 28th, 2021
by Katelyn Shaw, a student intern
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Importance of Conservation

February 28th, 2021
by Katelyn Shaw, a student intern
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8x8 Mathematics Teacher Leader Project

January 20th, 2021
by Katelyn Shaw, a student intern
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2020 Posts

10 Best Apps on eWeber Portal

December 7th, 2020
by Monica Linford, the college academic advisor
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A Passion Fueled by Fire

October 30th, 2020
by Taylor Benincosa, Zoology Graduate
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The Virtual Discovery Loop

October 15th, 2020
by Katelyn Shaw, student intern
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Finding Success Online

September 2nd, 2020
by Katelyn Shaw, student intern
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Humans are good at adapting!

July 21st, 2020
by Allyson Bangerter, Zoology Student
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Future Pursuits from Undergraduate Research 

April 16th, 2020
by Megan Conroy, Microbiology Major
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We Got This? 

April 6th, 2020
Adam Johnston, physics professor responds to
Ali Miller's COVID-19 homeschooling concerns
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Maps on the Hill 

March 26th, 2020
by Brooklyn Smout, Geology Major
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Started By A Mouse 

March 4th, 2020
by Courtnee Goodwin, Zoology Major
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Love UR Club! 

January 27th, 2020
by Sierra Hart, Chemistry Major
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2019 Posts

Strong Women Make Waves 

November 14th, 2019
by Analeah Vaughn, Geology Major
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Eliminating the Hallway Hesitation! 

Graduate School in Mathematical Sciences, October 24th, 2019
by Andrew Whetten, Applied Mathematics Alumnus
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Connected to Nature

September 27th, 2019
by Alexis Sullivan, botany major & Hulet Round River Scholarship recipient
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A Place of Belonging

September 13th, 2019
by Sara Naveed, College of Science alumna & former member of MAS
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Seven tips to start with a Successful Mindset

August 21st, 2019
by Jane Stout and Monica Linford, College of Science general advisors 
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My Memory of Apollo 11

July 17th, 2019
by Brad Carroll, Physics Professor, Emeritus 
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Women and Science, Sealing the "Leaky Pipeline"

May 14th, 2019
by Tracy Covey, Chemistry Professor
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Don't be afraid to embrace your wildness!

May 3rd, 2019
by Stephen Clark, Botany Professor, Emeritus (just)
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What I've Learned About Being a Successful Graduate Student!

April 18th, 2019
by Kristen Ellis, Zoology Graduate
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Then & Now: Friends in Science

April 3rd, 2019
by Chyanne Smith & Heather O'Donnell, Zoology Majors & leaders in The Wildlife Society
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The Beauty of Mathematics

March 20th, 2019
by Kathryn Von Wagoner, Developmental Math Director
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I'm With The Band!

February 27th, 2019
by Adam Johnston, Physics Professor
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Finding Love in General Chemistry

February 14th, 2019
by Kenidee and Kade Crittenden, Biochem and Chem Majors
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Einstein was wrong!

February 6th, 2019
by Stacy Palen, Physics Professor and Ott Planetarium Director
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#WeberScience in Mongolia

January 24th, 2019
by Rebekah Holt, Botany Major
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Acing courses... requires planning early.

January 14th, 2019
by Brian Pilcher, Zoology Instructor and Learning Strategist
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2018 Posts

Weber Science - Good Reads

December 14th, 2018
by Weber Science Community
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Insights of a First-Year Weber Science Professor

December 6th, 2018
by Elizabeth Sandquist, Zoology Assistant Professor
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A Stressful Time of Year

November 29, 2018
by Barb Trask, Associate Dean of the College of Science
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Office hours

Monday - Thursday:
6:30 a.m. - 11 p.m.
Friday: 6:30 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Saturday: 6:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.                  Sunday: Closed

Holidays & Breaks                         Hours may vary

Mailing address

College of Science
1415 Edvalson St., Dept. 2501
Ogden, UT 84408-2501

Building location

Tracy Hall Science Center (TY)

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